Late Night Out (Smutty?)

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Description: Izuku barges into Bakugou's room late at night and they have a good time. (They are in 3-A now so they are both 18.)

Friday, 1:34 am
Includes: Degrading.

Bakugou shifted in his bed. What the hell is going on. He looked up and found Izuku, who abruptly burst into his bedroom and calloused to the floor. Dumbfounded, he slowly got out of bed and walked over to Izuku. As he anxiously looked over him. Bakugou cursed under his breath. He had obviously been beat up considering he had a black eye and tears still caught in his eyelashes. Generally familiar with the sight from their childhood but now and from someone who wasn't him was new. (Apart from broken bones.) He gently picked Izuku up and brought him to his bed.

He wasn't sure why Izuku came to his room. He had friends like pink cheeks, runny guy bitch, and icyhot who would do way better to help him, and who wouldn't be pissed that their sheets were gonna get bloody. Bakugou walked over to his en suite to look for disinfectant wipes to clean up Izuku's wounds.

By the time Bakugou was back to Izuku's side he quickly sat back up. Which still fuck you for getting my sheets bloody, gonna look like I'm on a fucking period.
"What happened?" Bakugou asked impatiently, standing in front of him.
"W-what?" Izuku stuttered, gently rubbing his head. He looked confused and from the looks of it he definitely didn't mean to go to Bakugou's room.
"Stop rubbing it. You're smearing the blood," Bakugou said annoyed, stupid fucking nerd. Coming to my room at one am, waking me up.
"Kacchan.. I'm sorry I didn't-"
"Okay, I don't care, tell me what happened," Bakugou interrupted. Why does he have to be so dumb? Honestly it's wasn't like he cared. It's just if you're barging into my room might as well tell me what the fuck happened to you.

Bakugou scoffed and started wiping Izuku's face with the wipes he had taken. Izuku instantly flinched back. "Ow..that stings," he murmured. Izuku's face went red as Bakugou leaned in closer to examine the wounds.
"If I don't do this it'll get infected and since you're a certified dumbass I'm helping," Bakugou cursed, "and you still haven't answered my question.. you're face is fucked up."
"I- uh I mean I dunno, it kinda just happened, I guess.." Izuku whispered.
"Fucking liar." Bakugou said. Izuku pushed Bakugou away and stood back up.
"Kacchan.. It isn't like I need to tell you anyway.. I had accidentally walked in here.." He stated quietly.

Oh that fucking asshole. Thinking he's so fucking smart.

Bakugou tossed the wipes he was holding across the room. Izuku looked at Bakugou confused. "Um..Kacchan?" Izuku murmured

Suddenly Bakugou slammed Izuku against his bed. Izuku's breath hitched in his throat. Bakugou angrily looked down upon Izuku. "You really think you're the shit, hah?" Bakugou spat. Izuku squirmed underneath Bakugou. Visibly embarrassed and rightfully so.
"K-kacchan let go!" Izuku whined. Bakugou still held him down. Izuku could of easily used his quirk to get out of this situation. Except for rule of no quirks are in the dorms and he was already on thin ice from their first year.

Izuku kept squirming and Bakugou quickly caught hold of Izuku's wrist and pinned his arms above his head. It was a weird position to be in but the shit nerd needed to know who was his superior. Yeah.. that was until Izuku stuck his leg in-between Bakugou's cock. Bakugou gasped quietly and Izuku's face went from confusion to embarrassment. His hands were still pinned over him his head and his thoughts were scattered. Bakugou looked back at Izuku shocked, his cheeks were bright pink and he let out short breaths.
"I-I sorry.. didn't mean to-"

Bakugou released Izuku's hands and went to palm Izuku's crotch. Izuku flinched and brought his hand to his mouth. He let out a muffled moan as Bakugou continued to palm him. "Ah, so you come to my room all fucking beat up at one am and try to fuck me?" Bakugou whispered into Izuku's ear, his left hand slapped Izuku's thigh roughly.
"N-no- aghh I- K-kacchan.." Izuku moaned, trying to speak but considerably failing.
"I didn't know All Might's protégé could be such a slut huh?" Bakugou mustered, he stopped palming Izuku and backed up. Izuku looked up at Bakugou, almost hurt.
"Kacchan.." Izuku whispered softly. Bakugou smirked.
"On your knees in front of me," Bakugou commanded, Izuku looked flabbergasted, shocked maybe but his eyes really did say everything he was thinking. "tch, what's the big deal? All Might successor can't handle this?" Bakugou mocked. "How about this shit-nerd, you can leave right now and I'll never talk about this again, or we can continue."

Izuku gulped, his stomach was filled with anticipation. He gripped onto the sheets he was laying on and sat up.

Izuku leaned forwards into a rough kiss.

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