chapter six - facetime

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Sora was walking home from Jaxx's house. He has his hands in the pockets of his jacket, trying to keep them warm from the cold. It's been raining a lot recently, hopefully, it will start snowing soon. It's almost Christmas, anyway. But Sora wasn't thinking about the snow. He was thinking about Jaxx and the kiss. It was completely out of the blue, too. They weren't even friends to begin with. Jaxx bullied Sora for goodness' sake. But it felt like they were meant to be together. Like the world chose them to be in the same class. Like the world wanted them to be project partners.

Sora got home and had a letter left on the kitchen counter.

Sorry sweetie, I have another late shift tonight. Dinner is in the fridge and it's your favorite! Hope you had a great day! Love you!
-Mom <3

Sora sighs and puts the paper in the trash. He loves his mom more than anyone in the world, but she's never home and he misses her.

Sora went to his room and grabbed his stuff to take a shower. He hopped in and took a long relaxing shower, but a bunch of thoughts filling his head. The cyan boy was still thinking about Jaxx. He shouldn't be anymore. I mean, it's only a kiss.

Sora goes to his room and sits at his desk. He puts on his glasses, turns on his computer, and starts to work on other homework he had. Sora was about to start some math homework when he got a phone call. He tries to ignore it, but curiosity gets the best of him. The cyan boy grabbed the phone and noticed that Jaxx was calling him, so he hung upon him. Trying to continue on his homework, he got another call which was probably from Jaxx. He assumed that he wasn't gonna stop calling him until he answered, so he picked up the call.

"Hey Sora," Jaxx's face was on the screen with his hair down. He probably took a shower before the call. He looked cute with it down.

"What do you want?" Sora replied in a somewhat rude tone. He put his phone down next to his papers making the camera facing the ceiling.

"Calm down Mr. Hot Head, but I was just bored. Now, move your camera so I can see your face."

"What? Why?"

"Is this you have no friends?" Jaxx genuinely asked the cyan boy. "Well, people do think you are a nerd. I'd see why they think that."

"Hey! I do have friends, well, a friend. But that doesn't matter. What was the point of this call again?"

"If you show me your face then I'll show you," the screen showing a smirking face which Sora rolls his eyes to. He sets his phone so it leans up against the computer screen. He pushes up his glasses and relaxes in his chair. "So? What was the reason for this call?"

Jaxx stares into the camera, going quiet from how good Sora looks in those glasses. "Eh, well I only called because I was bored." Not the answer Sora would have preferred. "But wow, you really are a nerd."

"Thanks for that," Sora grabs the glasses off his face and places them on the table.

"No, no, no. You don't have to take them off, it looks good on you." Jaxx quickly says and Sora hesitantly grabs his glasses again and puts them on. "You look cute with them on."

"Okay never mind then," Sora takes off his glasses and sets them on the table. "Let's not wear those anymore."


The two have been calling for a long time now. For a long time meaning over four hours at this point. I mean, thank god it's the weekend, or else they wouldn't be calling at all. "You finished your side of the project right?" Sora made sure to check that he finished his work.

"Calm down Sora don't worry. I already finished it all." Jaxx turn around his bed and brought his phone up to his face. "Just gotta wait till Monday for the presentation."

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