Chapter 1; The Invitation

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Once upon a time, a girl named Mozzarella lived with her stepmother, VeganBooty, and two stepsisters, ThatVeganTeacher and ThatVeganNurse. Poor Mozzarella had to work hard all day long so the others could rest. It was she who had to wake up each morning when it was still dark and cold to start the furnace. It was she who baked the pastries for their Vegan Bakery™ and meals each day. It was she who kept the furnace going. The poor girl could not stay clean, from all the excess "cheese" by the furnace. 

"What a mess!" ThatVeganTeacher laughed. And that is why her sisters called her "Mozzarella."

One day, big news came to town. The ghosts of the King and Queen were going to host a cookoff, it was time for Prince Gordon Ramsay to find a side dish. All of the young bakers and chefs in the land were invited to come. They were excited, they were all given a chance to prove their skill in their craft. If they all wore their most beautiful aprons and fixed their dishes extra nice, perhaps Gordon would like them!

At VeganBooty's bakery, Mozzarella now had extra work to do. She had to make two brand-new aprons, ingredients and recipes for her step-sisters. 

"Faster!" shouted ThatVeganNurse.

"You call that an apron!?" screamed ThatVeganTeacher.

"Oh, dear!" said Mozzarella. "When can I–"

VeganBooty, the stepmother, marched into the room. "When can you WHAT?!"

"Well," said the girl, "when will I have time to make my own apron for the cookoff?"

"You!?!" yelled VeganBooty. "Who said YOU were going to the cookoff? You've got far too many chores to do before we return."

"What a laugh!" said ThatVeganTeacher.

"And you're a complete mess!" ThatVeganNurse pointed at Mozzarella. All of them laughed.

Mozzarella said to herself, "When they look at me, maybe they see a mess, but I am not, and if I could, I would go."

"Quit monologing and go switch the neighbour's ham with these giant slabs of tofu!" yelled VeganBooty. 

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