Chapter 2; Mozzarella Man

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Soon the time came for the stepmother and step-sisters to leave for the cookoff. They hopped in the fine Ferrari they bought with the money they embezzled from Mozzarella and the bakery and drove to the shady warehouse Gordon rented out to fit all the contestants for the cookoff.

"Goodbye!" called Mozzarella. "Have a good time!" But her stepmother and step-sisters did not give her two cents.

"Oh, dear..." said Mozzarella sadly as the vegans sped off down the road at twice the legal speed limit. She said aloud, "I wish I could go to the cookoff, too! My signature twelve cheese mozzarella sticks would've been a real hit."

Then all of a sudden, there before her was a man dressed as a giant mozzarella stick with wings.

"You called?" said the cheese-stick-fairy-man-thing.

"Did I?" said Mozzarella.

"You did," said the cheese-stick-fairy-man-thing.

"Did I?" said Mozzarella. "Who are you anyway?"

"You are a wizard, Mozzarella." said the mozzarella fairy.

"Wrong story dude, plus, I ask who are you not what am I," said Mozzarella.

"Sh*t, sorry dude." The cheese-stick-fairy-man-thing clears his throat. "Why, I'm your Fairy Godmother, of course! I know your wish and I have come to grant it."

"But..." said Mozzarella, "my wish is impossible!"

"Excuse me, bitch!" said the Fairy Godmother in a huff. "Did I not just show up out of thin air?"

"You threw a smoke bomb and jumped out of that bush," said Mozzarella, pointing a bush by the driveway.

"... No I didn't, I appeared out of thin air."

"Sure you did... Anyways, I think you know I want to go to the cookoff, too." She looked down at her greasy, flour-coated clothes. "But look at me."

"You are quite the mess, child," said the Fairy Godmother.

"Don't call me a child. Also, even if I had something nice to wear," said the girl, "I would have no way to get there, my mother used all of our funds to buy the Ferrari so I couldn't even hail a cab or call an Uber."

"Dear child, all of that is possible," said the Mozzarella Man. With that, he threw cheese crumbs, glitter and confetti at Mozzarella's face.

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