Chapter 3; Terrible Godmother

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Mozzarella and Mozzarella Man watch as the cheese, glitter and confetti fall to the floor. She looks up at the Mozzarella Man with a "Bruh" face. 

"Sorry, wrong pocket," Mozzarella Man says as he throws fairy dust and cheese powder at Mozzarella.

Mozzarella accidentally inhales the fairy dust and cheese powder, collapses to the floor and starts coughing.


Mozzarella rolls on the floor struggling to breathe as her greasy, floured-covered outfit is transformed into clean clothes with a very professional looking apron.

After 30 seconds of coughing on cheese powder, she finally gets her airways clear and stands up, gasping for air.

"Bitch, I ain't got covid, I was choking on yo cheese powder," Mozzarella says unamused.

"Oh," says Mozzarella Man. "Well shit, uh, anyways, transportation. Got any round food items I could turn into a vehicle?"

"Yeah, gimme a sec," Mozzarella says as she runs inside. 

A rat runs past Mozzarella Man and he chases it down, picks it up and brings it back over. Mozzarella runs back outside with a bag full of meatballs. She opens up the bag and shows him the meatballs.

"Will these work? My sisters stole these and I was supposed to dispose of them." She looks down at the rat Mozzarella Man is holding. "Why do you have a rat?"

"I was thinking a little bigger and more gourd-shaped but yeah, those'll be fine." Says Mozzarella Man as he dumps all the meatballs onto the driveway, throws the rat at the pile and sprinkles fairy dust and cheese powder on. The meatballs and rat transform into Hearse with a man in the driver seat. "Fuck, that was supposed to be a Limo."

"You are a terrible Fairy Godmother," Mozzarella says.

"Yeah, no shit. I really shoulda paid more attention to my classes," he says.

"So I'm going to a cookoff in a Hearse where I'm going to be cooking mozzarella sticks for Gordon Ramsay."

"Yup, and remember, all of this lasts only to midnight. Tonight, when the clock strikes twelve, everything will go back to how it was before."

"Then I'll be sure to leave before midnight. It's a cookoff, how late into the night can it go?" questioned Mozzarella.

"Yeah," said the Fairy Godmother. He stepped back. "My work here is done. ADIOS!" And with that, the terrible Fairy Godmother that paid no attention in class and was dressed like a cheese stick threw a smoke bomb at the ground and dove into the bushes.

Mozzarella watched as Mozzarella Man struggled to climb through the bushes. 

"What the fuck just happened?" Mozzarella asked.

The driver squeaked loudly for her to get in. She got into the Hearse and they were off.

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