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Harry: I drive to my dads company. It's like walking into hell. Welcome home Donald menken said to me. He was one of my fathers worker. We get out of the limbo. I take off my coat. It's dark in there, your eyes will adjust, it's better this way he says. I walk in and hand him my coat. I see my dad on his death bed. He was wired up to so many things. Dad I whisperd. This is not how I imagined how I would die my dad says. Looking at my son, and seeing a stranger he adds. It's his fault. You had so much potential Harry he says. Such fierce intelligent and your throwing it all away he adds.
No you threw me away I say. You kicked me off to boarding school when I was eleven. On my sixteenth birthday you sent in Scott or one of your employes, I'm pretty sure because the card read with compliments -Norman Osborn. I don't expect forgiveness from you my dad says. Well not anymore he adds. I don't believe in miracles, nothing you can understand. That your child hood had to be sacrificed for something greater he says. And not just for me! He adds for you he says. Has your hands started to twitch yet he asked. When you lay awake and you can feel it coming, hiding in your skin waiting to show it self he says. To show who you really are he adds. Retrovial hyperplasia he says. I never told you it's genetic. Our disease, the Osborn curse. And it begins with your hands twitching he says. Your hand, give it to me he says. He's scaring me. I move my hand to his and I can fell our hands twitching. The greatest thing I can give. You he says while handing me something. It's nearly money he says. It's this he adds. A total of all my work to try and stay alive he says. Maybe you can succeed he adds. I look at it. It was a small box that was a inch or two with the words Oscorp on it. I leave the room. My father is dead. I hop back into the limbo and drive to his work place I gave everyone the day off today at oscorp. Right about now they are probably watching the vide on my father. I walk in and sit down in my dads chair. Other people walk in. I guess this is my first meeting. Donald sat next to me. That was the only person I knew at the table. They begin talking. Harry Donald says. Oscorp is in tense public of the Death of Norman Osborn and the way of doctor conners. He says. You mean people are pissed off because everyone almost Turned into giant lizards I ask. Everyone stops and stares at me. Giving that Donald says. All the animal hibrate programs he was involved in were destroyed to restore the company's convince. Ah that is the Osborn way I say. What Evers inconvenient we just get rid of it right I ask? Much of that may fall on you now he says. We felt plausible deniability was your best option right now he says. Sure sure I add. I know a twenty year old kid owning a two hundred billion dollar company, I mean what was dad thinking?!? I mean your all lawyers I say. Surely someone must have questioned his sanity in the end I look at all of them. They all look frighten. Harry Donald says, I stop him though. It's mister Osborn, we're not friends I tell him. I look at the girl who was at the end of the table. She was writhing something. Hi I say to her. She looks at me. You were his assistant right I ask? She shook her head yes. What's your name I ask. Felicia she says. From now on everybody at this table works for her I say.because Felicia works for me I add. Any body would lie to speak up I ask. No one responds. Well good, then you can all keep your jobs a little longer. A person walks up to me and whispers in my ear. Sir there is a Peter Parker for you he says. I can't believe it. I get up. Felicia I want to see these files on my desk, every one I say while walking away. I walk to the doors. There he is. Peter Parker, it's like seeing a ghost I say while hiding in the shadows. Hey Harry Peter responds. Random, it's been ten years I tell him. It's eight Peter responds. Of course he would know exactly. He was the need from school. What's up I ask him? I saw the news man he responds. I heard about your dad he says. I wanted to come and see if your ok he says while walking closer to me. I'm uh in a meeting right now I tell him. Sorry I don't want to intrude I mean it was a really long time and I kind know exactly how your feeling right now he says. You were there for me when my parents left he adds. That's why I'm here for you he adds. I shake my head yes. Thank you I respond. Ok well it was good seeing you man he says while walking away. You got your braces off I tell him. Now there's nothing there to distract you from your unibrow. He smiles and walks towards me. He pats me on the shoulders and hugs me. There he is he keeps repeating. Do you still blow dry your hair every morning he asked. Umm you know one of my msn sue ants holds the hair dryer but I comb so at least I'm not completely useless I answer. Let's go for a walk he says. We end up at the park. I told him all about me traveling to Brazil and stuff. He told me about how his uncle died, and that he is in love with a girl. So you got a lady I ask. He turns around and says that's a question. He climbs over the bars that block you from the river. That's a question he repeats. No I don't he answers. Yea he answers again. I don't know he answers again. It's complicated he says. Yea I don't do complicated I tell him. So what's her name? I ask. Her name is Gwen, Gwen Stacy, she works for you he answers. She works for me I ask? Yeah he says. We walk down to the shallow end and skip rocks. You know when my father sent me away I tried to forget everything about this place, I guess that included you I tell him. You don't have to explain nothing to me man, we both got dumped he says. Did you ever find out why your parents left I ask. He shakes his head no, I got a brief case full of junk. He throws his rock. That rock must have skipped like 30 times!!! Dude nice arm I tell him!! It's just the risk buddy, you can do it too if you just strengthen up those muscles he tells me. You have to admit it though, things have gotten weird around here I tell him. Like lizard creature and spider guys I explained. Just one guy Peter says. Just one spiderman, or women we don't know for sure he says. What ever dude he wears spandex and saves kittens out of trees I joke with him. I like to think he gives people hope Peter says. For what I ask. Maybe eventually everything is going to be all right he says. I just wished I had time for eventually I add while skipping another rock.

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