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✧・゚: *✧・゚:*

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✧・゚: *✧・゚:*

"Sage? Sage, hey, can you hear me?" A voice echoed. Sage wriggled around, shooting straight up, wincing in pain.

Sage opened her eyes and found herself in the back of an ambulance. "Woah, woah honey. Lay back down for me." The doctor said, pushing her body back down.

"Sage it's okay, I'm here." Levi spoke, reaching out. Sage grabbed his hand, and gave it a squeeze. She looked down at her wound to see it all bandaged back up, no blood in sight.

"What happened?" Sage croaked out.

"Sage, my name is Gerry. Your stitches reopened, we had to sedate you to restitch them because you wouldn't sit still." Gerry said, placing a blood pressure pump on her arm.

"Did they get it, Levi?" Sage asked, referring to the cross. Levi shook his head, and Sage sighed. "Where is everyone?" Sage asked.

"They're waiting at the hospital for us." Levi explained.

"Listen, once the sedation wears off, you're gonna crash. You'll be asleep for around fourteen hours." The medic said, and Sage nodded.

"How soon can I be released?" Sage asked.

"Once we get to the hospital, you're free to go." He said, and Sage nodded.


"Guy's I can get the cross back for you. You just have to take me to the Cameron house." Sage said, and John B shook his head.

"No Sage, it's too dangerous. He's dangerous." John B said, and Sage shook her head.

"He won't hurt me. Just please let me do this for you guys." Sage begged. The Pogues exchanged concerned looks, but knew if anyone was going to be able to get them the cross back, it was her.

"Fine, but you text us as soon as something happens." John B said. Sage nodded, and John B drove to the Cameron house.

"Please be careful, okay." Levi spoke, grabbing her shoulder. Sage looked at him, and nodded. Sage pulled open the van door, and snuck over the wall. She looked inside the truck, and didn't see any keys in the ignition.

She pushed open the front door, and crept up the stairs. She pushed open Rafe's bedroom door, and walked in on him covered in mud. Rafe quickly turned, and he took a breath as he saw Sage.

"Oh my God, you're okay." Rafe said, running over and pulling Sage in for a tight hug. "Renfield wouldn't stop there truck, I wanted to be with you so bad. Are you okay?" Rafe asked.

"Yeah, my stitches opened back up but I'm okay." Sage comforted.

"God this is all my fault." Rafe said, sitting down at the end of his bed. Sage looked over his shoulder, and saw the keys to the truck sitting on his nightstand.

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