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✧・゚: *✧・゚:*

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✧・゚: *✧・゚:*

Sage shot up, looking around the room to find herself in an unfamiliar environment. The events from last night started to flood back into her mind, and she stood up and went and pulled at the door handle anxiously.

"Damit." She muttered when it wouldn't open. "Hello?!" Sage called out, slamming her fists on the door.

She heard the lock jiggle, and the door was pushed open. Rafe walked through the door, and smiled at her and her face turned red with anger.

"Where am I?" Sage asked sternly. Rafe reached out, and Sage pulled away. Rafe's face fell, and he sighed. "Answer me." Sage demanded.

"We're on our way to an island. Listen I know this is gonna sound crazy, but my dad's alive, and the only way we can be one big happy family is if we left the OBX, and go where no one knows who we were." Rafe explained.

Sage's body filled with every textbook emotion, and she ran a hand through her hair, and her breath started to quicken.

"Rafe, what the fuck? You guys kidnapped me. What about my brother? He's gonna be all alone, he's probably worried sick, and he doesn't have a clue where I am. What did you do?" Sage spat, shoving Rafe harshly.

Rafe stumbled back into a table, a few glasses falling off, and shattering on the ground. Rafe's face fell, that wasn't his intention. He just wanted to be with her.

"Sage, I'm sorry. I just couldn't leave without you." Rafe said, and Sage scoffed.

"Oh yes of course, it's all about you isn't it? It always has been." Sage said, and Rafe felt his heart drop. "I mean everything I've ever done was for you! I've given up my life, for you!" Sage spoke, slowly realizing everything she's done for him.


"No, save it. Let me out." Sage demanded. Rafe moved to the side, and let Sage leave the room. As he watched her walk away, guilt filled his body realizing he hadn't thought this through.

Sage silently sobbed as she made her way around the boat, trying to find a way off. Angry when she couldn't, she wiped her tears.

"Sarah honey, I did it for us!" Sage crept towards the voice, and pushed open the door.

"Sarah?" Sage called out.

"Oh my- thank God." Sarah said, rushing over and pulling Sage in for a tight hug. Sage sobbed into her arms, and looked over at Ward watching the two girls.

"You piece of shit." Sage scoffed, and Ward seethed his teeth.

"I'll leave you two alone." Ward said, leaving the room. Sage heard him lock the door behind him, and Sage plopped onto the couch, sobbing into her hands.

"Why am I here?" Sage sobbed.

"I don't know. I need to call John B, tell him I'm okay." Sarah said, and Sage nodded.

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