If-Part 2

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Spencer's POV:


That's the only word that comes to mind as he locks eyes with the beautiful girl standing slightly behind his mom.

"Spencer...Spencer, I know you hear me talking to you." He hears his mom say in an exasperated tone as he finally drags his eyes away from the girl.

He lets out a breathless laugh before clearing his throat.

"Yea...yes ma'am umm what were you saying?"

"I asked why you aren't in class yet?" Grace questions him while crossing her arms cocking her head to the side.

"I was on my way just now" he says slyly dodging her question.

His mom gives him an unimpressed look before finally introducing him to the girl he couldn't keep his eyes off of. He looks back at her noticing she was still staring before shaking her head out of her stupor as she sees them both looking at her.

"This is Olivia, she's new here and since I know you're also supposed to be in the same chemistry class right now, you can walk her the rest of the way." She says before turning to walk away.

"Oh and this better be the only time you're late for class you hear me?" She says giving him a look.

"Yes ma'am" he says looking down knowing he'll hear more about this later tonight at home.

"Have a good day you two." She finishes before walking off.

Olivia's POV:

God Liv get a grip

She scolds herself internally while looking around the hallway trying to avoid the mini freak out she feels building up. She's broken out of her thoughts by the boy in front of her, who she now notices was staring at her this whole time.

She blushes looking down nervously playing with her fingers before looking up as he starts to speak.

"Olivia right?" He questions as a smile breaks out on his face while reaching out to shake her hand.

Even his smile is attractive...wait FOCUS Liv

"Umm...yea...yes Olivia, but you can call me Liv." She stutters out before letting her hand meet his.

They both slightly jump as what feels like a shock of electricity flows between them. Their eyes meet again, getting lost in whatever is happening between them, until they hear the second warning bell signaling how late they are for class.

Liv quickly pulls away noticing they were still holding hands.

Spencer looks down slightly confused at what just happened before hearing her speak.

"We should get going." She states before starting to walk away.

He catches up to her after finally gaining his composure again. They walk in silence not knowing what to say after the moment they just shared.

"Well this is us" he says pausing next to a door before opening it, allowing her to walk in first.

All eyes turn towards them as their teacher pauses before asking why they're late.

Liv stands there awkwardly before Spencer speaks up behind her.

"Sorry Mrs. C, my moms asked me to show Olivia to class since she's new." He says while pointing towards her.

She looks back at him in shock registering what he just said.

"Your mom?" She mouths in question.

He nods his head sheepishly before they hear Mrs. Collins telling them to have a seat before she turns to start her lesson again.

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