IF-Part 15

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Layla's POV:

I don't understand why you won't just talk to me...

*Knock knock*

You deserve whatever happens when Spencer finds out...

*Knock knock*

Please just talk to me...

"Layla open the door"

I love you...

"Layla, you have five seconds to open this door"

This was a mistake...


She shoots up in her bed as memories of those few last words echo through her mind. It takes a second for the fog of sleep to disappear from her senses as she finally registers the incessant knocking on her bedroom door.

"Layla open the door now" she hears gruffly from the other side

She rolls her eyes as she gets up from the bed to walk towards the door. She was honestly shocked he found the time in his busy schedule to finally come back home.

She unlocks the door before making her way back to her bed. She lays down and faces the wall as she the door swings open.

"Why am I getting multiple calls from Grace about you missing a week of school?" her dad says angrily

She continues to lay in silence ignoring his fake concern, burrowing further down under the covers.

After the confrontations of last week, she just couldn't do it anymore. She was thoroughly exhausted and didn't have the energy to fake it anymore.

She had lost it all, her boyfriend, her best friend, and the boy that she...

She feels as if she wants to cry, but there was absolutely nothing left and having her dad show up was just icing on the cake.

"Layla answer me!" her dad tries to say forcefully

"Because I felt like it" she says with a monotonous tone

"Because you felt like it?" JP repeats with disbelief and anger in his voice

She turns further in the bed choosing to ignore him, only to feel the covers yanked off of her.

"You don't get to miss school and not answer my or anyone else's calls because you feel like it." he spits out with worry replacing the anger

Sardonic laughter slips out of her before she could catch it. She couldn't believe the direction this conversation was taking.

"What exactly do you have to laugh about Layla?" JP says raising his voice again

"You...this whole conversation...I mean you have to see the irony right? What exactly was it that brought you home; the fact that you were worried about me or that people kept blowing up your phone reminding you that you're a terrible parent?" she spits out furiously

"Excuse m-" he starts before she cuts him off

Those tightly gripped emotions that she'd been holding in for weeks...months...finally reach their tipping point as she implodes.

"NO! Any other time I beg you to come home it's always "It's business sweetie, you understand right?" she screams, abruptly getting up from the bed and getting in his face

"Lay-" JP tries again to cut her off, but her rampage can't be stopped as she grabs the closest thing near to her and hurls it towards him.

"Then just a few weeks ago, you abandon me yet again, blowing me off and forgetting mom's anniversary" she says starting to get choked up as the tears she thought were all dried up finally flow free

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