That was strange

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Foxy's POV

She said her name was Y/N. I didn't think and said, "Such a beautiful name for a beautiful lass like you." She blushed. Then you heard Freddy say, "Goodbye kids!" I got worried . I asked her "Did you come here with kids?" " Yeah my sister why?" She said. "When all the kids leave Freddy says that." She said something I wasn't expecting. "Its ok my sister knows her way home and my mom's gone so."

Your POV

Foxy got a worried look on his face when the clock strikes midnight. Foxy grabbed you and put you in a closet and locked it. You were fine with him doing that. He opened the closet and came inside but he seemed different, but it was dark so you couldn't see him you were imagining things. "I'll explain later." You fell asleep and you felt safe. You woke up with Foxy carrying you bridal style to a comfy couch. You saw a chicken and a bunny and a bear. They were all linking at you and talking about you. It was still dark but you could see the light come in from the curtains.

And then instead of the bunny,chicken and bear there was people. You still thought you were imagining things. "I can't belive she stayed!" "I know!" You heard them talking. "Did she see you human!?" "No I don't think so lass!" You knew that was foxy. "You better change before she wakes up!" "I know." "We got to go its almost 6." And you heard them walk away. "I'll tell her when she wakes up."

Foxy X Reader.  (A pirates heart)Where stories live. Discover now