New animatronic

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Y/N's mind

You were in a white room. But as you walked around you saw a vision it was Foxy and Chica. "Ok I have a plan this is to save Y/N. So we sneak in to the hospital and we get Y/N and take her to the pizzeria and well... this is the only way to keep her alive we turn her into a animatronic. Then I can show her how to turn human." Foxy said. You got really surprised then Chica nodded and they went down stairs.

Foxy told everybody and they mentioned something about me being dead. That explains the white 'room'. They ran out the living room and wen  to the hospital.

Foxy's POV

We ran as fast as we could. We got there and found a way in. We got in, but we still need to find Y/N. So Goldie telaported everywhere. He finally found her. We followed Goldie and looked around. Looking at all the tags. "I found her!" Freddy yelled. I let out a sigh of relief and went over. I grabbed her and we went out the same way we got in. (Wow that was fast) We ran to the pizzeria and found a wolf suit for her.

I dident wan to put her in a suit but I had to have her stay alive. I couldn't  do it so I had Bonnie and Freddy do it while Chica comforted me. Freddy and Bonnie came out and let me in. She was in a corner limp. The rest went out. I stayed there but I fell asleep. But then I woke up to a squeal. I hoped my eyes and saw Y/N looking at her new self.


You looked at myself and got exited. You always wondered what it was like to an animatronic. You looked at Foxy and he was wide awake. I ran to him and hugged him. I was so happy. "Ok first of all why am I an animatronic?" Foxy let go of the hug and said. "Well you died then I wanted you to be alive and not dead and so I got the others 'gasp' and got you out of the hospital and put you I a 'gasp' suit!" He said really fast and then smiled.

"Ok that explains that." I kissed Foxy. "Wait! Can I turn human to!?" (Ok hold on I forgot to tell you how you look. So your a gray wolf with light blue eyes. You have a light gray oval thingy on your stomach. You have short shorts and boots on. With a blue bow tie. Ok that's all. Pretty plain I know.)

"Uh yeah you can I'll show you." You jumped up and down and waited. Foxy turned in human form.

"So you need to think about how Taiwan  to look then you will turn and that is how you will look so choose wisely." Foxy explained. You closed you eyes and thought. You wanted blue hair with gray streaks. You have a small blue bow tie. You have a blue and pink crop top with short jean shorts. And you have black laced boots. With light blue eyes. You opens your eyes and looked down. You were human.

You loved how you looked. Foxy looked at you a literally fainted. Chica came in and squealed. "So how do you like your human form!?" You looked at Foxy and said."Its Great."

A/N I finally made a chapter so sorry for not updating so here it is yay! And thank for 800+ reads. :)

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