08: Oh, are you going to make my nieces and nephews?

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Martina's POV
Have you ever had to do something you didn't want to? For example go to a boring family dinner, and all you wanted was to stay at home and read. Or, even better, have you ever had to clean the house, or do the dirty laundry, but you actually just wanted to play soccer in the backyard?

Well if your life is like that, shut the fuck and be grateful. Because it's probably hundred times better to play soccer or read or do anything when you wait for it a bit longer. But could you imagine if those family dinners wouldn't have any end to them, or if the laundry would just keep piling up and you would do it forever and it would always stand in the way of you having a normal life?

That's how my illness stands in the way of me living a normal life. Instead of being in Spain, training and doing the best I can for my career, I was stuck in the principals office with my dad, the sheriff, my oldest brother, the deputy sheriff, and my twin brother, my rock and the only person I trust to be next to me, yelling at the principal.

"She did nothing wrong!" My dad yelled and my brothers flinched at his voice but I just remained unfazed.

The principle whipped a bit of blood he had left on the scratch he had on his cheek. He scratched himself with his ring when we entered his office. What kind of a person would marry him? "She yelled at her teacher. She was obviously about to explode and do something violent."

"How would you know that?! Huh? She can control herself that much not to let an idiot like you bother her." Matthew all but spat at my principal.

"Can she though? She gets one bad news that she can't go on the school trip and she immediately jumps to her feet! It doesn't seem normal to me."

"Wait, wait, wait. She can't go where?" My dad raised his voice with each word he had said. My dad and I joke all the time, I rarely see him without a smile on his face. You would think that he's the most harmless person in the world. But when he's angry and when he has a gun at his side, any person would shit themselves, just like my principal in that moment.

"She-e um-m, can not go to S-s-pain."

"Why?" The deadliest voice I've heard in my entire life.

"Well, the board voted and we have decide that we shouldn't be the ones looking after her during these, let's say, tough times for her. She wouldn't be here if she was stabl-"

Before I could think my legs were working on their own and I rushed out of that office. I couldn't stand to hear another word that man had to say. What does he know about me coming back? He can go jump through the window for all I care. All I want to do now is go home and read. Nothing else. I just want to take a book and not be myself for a while.

Maybe I could go and be with Mr. Darcy for a while, or see if Dorian Grey is still that much in love with himself. Or be a sex slave to the other famous Mr. Grey. Just not to be here anymore or my principal would end up being right, I would explode.

I started walking back to the classroom but Mario called me. "Martina! Wait." I turned around and crossed my arms while he jogged towards me. "I'll take you home. C'mon, let's go."

"Because maybe someone like Leah would say something fucked up and-"

"I can control myself that much not to snap at the bitch, Mario."

"Well I can't, so let's go home. We can train tonight and until then you could read. Maybe see what Mr. Darcy has been up to." How does he read my mind? I can't do that.

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