Chapter 1

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I was alone sitting quietly on my bed until I heard a loud crashing noise coming from outside my room. Just then my father came in and whispered in russian, "Вы должны оставить (You have to leave)" I looked up at him confused by what he meant. "Зачем мне оставить (Why would I leave)" I questioned. "Они лгали нам. (They have lied to us.)" Bucky said now kneeling at my eye level. "Они сказали, что мы ... (They said we...)"

Before he could finish, some HYDRA agents broke down the door and had my father pinned on the ground. I didn't know what to do next, my father then shouted with all the air from his lungs, "бежать! (RUN!!!)"
I jumped off of my bed when I heard the shaking in his voice.

I dodged an agent and sprinted towards the window. A HYDRA agent, he was about 16 years old with blue eyes and dirty blonde hair, slowly walked forwards and said, "Ну-ка, вы знаете, мы не причиню вам вреда (Come now, you know we mean you no harm.)"

I almost gave in, again, but I then heard my father's screams. I wanted to look to see if he was alright but I couldn't bear the sight. Without thinking I took my father's advice and jumped out the window and climbed down the wall. I got to the outside of the HYDRA base not knowing where I was or where to go.

I then heard an alarm and saw groups of HYDRA agents coming towards me in trucks. I turn around and moved my right hand up to the side of my face so my middle and index finger touched my temple, just like my father showed me, and closed my eyes. I focused on each motor from the vehicles and engulfed the engines in flames. No HYDRA agent survived. I now felt rather dizzy, not before long everything went black.

Sorry this chapter was so short.

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