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cancer is a pain in the ass.

cancer takes peoples lives.

cancer this- cancer that-, but how much do we really know about cancer itself? and what it does to someone?

cancer is never described correctly. even by people who deal with it everyday, it's just.. not what people think and say it is

sometimes it's like it's not even there, those are your good days

others, it couldn't be move obvious, like a bright sign floating over head saying "hey! Look at me! I have cancer!"

the worst part to cancer is the look that comes right behind it.
oh how I hate that look.

it's not the look of
'cancer sucks! people should really do something about it.. anyways..' look


'well at least they're alive for now' look

it's the

'i'm sorry for you but i can't do anything so i'm just gonna be here feeling bad for you' look

almost sympathetic really but then again how much can you sympathize with a boy with cancer.

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