kayla was luke's other half who stayed in australia, sadly, but when they were together he could be as gay as he wanted around her and she wouldn't have any problems with it she was just that type of girl who liked to talk about dick
luke wasn't a feminine guy, quite masculine once he hit puberty, actually when puberty hit him, but it's kind of hard to talk about dicks with people who had dicks especially when a certain person with a dick whom was in that group had the dick which luke wanted to talk about..
yes luke wants michaels dick in his ass if you weren't catching my drift, this is a muke story not a cake story not sorry bout it
but in all honesty luke had a crush on michael since the diaper days, they had the same class almost every year since the very beginning buuuutttttt Michael hadn't always enjoyed luke's company.. so for years on end luke played the bitch and was a jerk to michael and michael was a jerk to Luke until calum came along and made them realize the were two peas in a pod
blah blah blahanyways then when they were 16 michael had discovered his crush on luke yet neither knows about the others dying love so it's one big tragic mess, cringe worthy honestly so I apologize for that
actually I don't but it's nice to come off like my heart isn't locked inside a dark box somewhere
as the boys being between the ages of 17 and 19 they are typical teenagers who sit around and talk about the sexual arts and horniness and such, but 2/4 are inactive when it comes to the dance with no pants, and if you know anything about daddy kink ashton and fuck boy calum, they aren't the one benched in this department
so of course michael and luke are not very sexually active and let me explain why..
michael is the type of guy who when he's not dry humping his guitar on stage he's hidden in his bunk with the curtain duck taped shut with his laptop scrolling through the multiple secret social media accounts he has all while blasting anything from kpop's bigbang and got7 to jrock's GazettE and x japan and somehow slip in something with only lyrics in english every few hours in his ears then switching to the endless list of anime and screaming silently just how sexy sebastian michaelis really is and just how upsetting it is that he can't physically marry hikaru and kaoru hitachiin or either of them bc kyoya senpai is a thing that exists and soma is totally real whether it happened in the anime or not so if I'm being 100% honest with you... he's and otaku. oops.
on the other hand..
luke is the type of guy who doesn't dry hump his guitar but instead between him making the most sexual faces and his damn arm muscles he impregnates all the poor teen girls who hope he's lying about being gay, but he's not I promise, and when he's not doing those things he's sitting in the kitchen with a pizza to himself, bc bad bitches don't share and he was certainly a bad bitch, trying to figure out how to play everything in his music library on guitar, then he was busy with his schooling since luke is a good boy who wants to have a back up plan if this whole banding thing goes down the drain, then he'll lay in his bunk across from michaels while pretending to sleep while actually just listening to Michael sing (more like scream) along to every word in the languages luke knows nothing about but if Michael asked him to he would try and then actually ends up falling asleep when Michael puts on something in their native language of. English and he'll drift off to michaels beautiful voice singing along to mayday parade and yea... luke has an obsession with michael. oops.
Fanfictioncan·cer ˈkansər/ noun the disease caused by an uncontrolled division of abnormal cells in a part of the body. "he's got cancer"