25 - fighting

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PART 25:

─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

jessica cole.
【messages between jessica cole and tom hiddleston】

jessica cole.:
hey tom!
can we talk?
i just wanted to apologize
for what happened
at the party.
i'll text you later,
you seem busy.
(delivered at 2:38PM)

hey, you free now?
(delivered at 3:12PM)

i know i haven't
texted you in awhile and
i wouldn't be surprised if
you had removed my number
or something, but i'm guessing
you didn't since the messages
are getting delivered.
(delivered at 3:46PM)

uh whatever i'll just
send the message and you'll
see it later i'm sure.
i think you got the wrong
message from the party..
when we talked. i didn't mean
for it to sound like you're
valencia's lost puppy or anything.
i just wanted to chat with you for a
little and you just seemed to look
around for valencia and such.
just because i'm your ex doesnt
mean we don't get to talk. besides,
on the point that i'm your ex, i feel
like you shouldn't really be talking about
valencia with me.
this is hard to explain on text,
are you free tomorrow?
(delivered at 4:10PM)
(seen at 4:24PM)

tom hiddleston:
err i'm sorry.
i think you got the wrong

jessica cole.:
tom it's literally your number.
i have you saved as your

tom hiddleston:
i am not tom, i got this
number last week, i'm sure tom
used to own that number awhile ago.

jessica cole.:
oh. sorry then.
my bad.
(seen at 4:31)

【jessica cole. deleted the contact 'tom hiddleston'】


【messages between tom hiddleston and valencia callisto】

where are you ?

are you seriously still
calling me valeria?

is my name still
torrence in your phone?


then yes, i am still
calling you valeria.
so, valeria
where are you?

i'm in sebastian's trailer.

what are you doing

just hanging out ??

valeria💘:just hanging out ??

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