Truth and Ideals

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After some time, my eyes adjusted to the darkness, drinking in the unusual environment that surrounded Dragonite and I. The ground we were stood on felt weak, as if it would crumble away at any moment.

We were stood on a small barren rocky island, nothing in sight. We were surrounded by a deep, endless void. It had a faint dark blue hue but there was no familiarity in it. My eyes scanned the area, searching for anything but there was nothing in sight.

I took a step forward, feeling the weight of the rocky island shift. Before I could react, the island began floating through the empty space, moving forward as if attracted to something in the distance. There wasn't anything Dragonite or I could do so we stayed put for now.

After a while, more small rocky islands came into view. The floating rock we were stood on appeared to be one of many, more islands similar to this surrounding us.

I was uncertain at first but I stepped forward, moving onto the island directly in front of us. Dragonite followed and the moment she landed beside me, the first rocky island moved backwards, returning to where it came from.

"We should find Cyrus, he must know what's going on here."

Before we took another step forward, there was a bright flash of light from my side, a certain dark type releasing itself from its pokeball.

Darkrai hovered in front of Dragonite and I, a knowing look on its face. I didn't need to say anything, seeing that the nightmare pokemon knew where we were and I assumed it would be able to take us to Cyrus. Without saying another word, Darkrai turned around to lead the way.

As we ventured through the endless void, all sorts of indescribable sights were passed. There were dead trees that stood in our way one moment but the next they disappeared. A lot of the islands were floating on their sides, the three of us rotating in mid air to adjust to the unusual gravity of this new dimension. When I thought deeper, it was clear that there was no gravitational field in this void, each island being the centre of its own existence, unrelated to the next.

We continued on, passing horizontal bodies of water, disappearing rocks and even an upside down waterfall. The journey was long but seeing these unusual sights sped up the process. Darkrai seemed to know where to go next and for that I was thankful that I had a pokemon who could help us out, even here.

Eventually, we arrived at a clearing, numerous smaller rotated islands surrounding the larger island we were stood on. Just ahead of the three of us, a tall blue haired man was stood, facing away from us, looking out to the void.

"So you followed me here. I should have expected that and yet here were are, stood in the void, surrounded by nothing but emptiness."

Cyrus turned around to face us, his face as serious as ever. His cheeks were sullen and his eyes darkened by the lack of emotion in them.

"Tell me, could you imagine what it's like being trapped here for years? With nothing but these floating islands, these disappearing trees, these reversed waterfalls, these fake rocks and mountains?"

As he spoke, the picture was painted in my mind. The reason why Team Galactic had fallen by the wayside for years was because their leader had become of a fate unknown to them. This wasn't the first time Cyrus had been in this mysterious dimension, that much was clear.

"Hmph, your silence tells me all I need to know. You could never know what that was like, just exactly how you could never understand why I am stood here." He paused, taking another step forward before continuing, "In the same way, I will never understand why you are here and why you chased me through that portal. That is the reality of humanity."

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