Chapter 14

130 13 6

2 years ago

Santorini  Greece
Katikies  Santorini

As the wind blew faster making the atmosphere more chilly and inviting, Farhan fixes his gaze on the magnificent view. The balcony offers a clear view of the ocean and the beauty of Santorini. The sky is a mixture of blue, white and grey, indeed the view is beautiful and peaceful.
He slowly turns around and walks back into the hotel room. There she was her beautiful rosy cheeks, her chocolate colored eyes closed, her plump lips, her tan skin like sweet caramel.
Lied on the bed, her beautiful African hair spread on the soft pillows. Laugh lines on her forehead had practically disappeared, her breathing was deep and relaxed, her beautiful lashes almost touching her cheeks.  The only slight movement was her chest raising up and down.
Her naked petite body wrapped with the soft white duvet. Her innocence showed on her sleeping face.
"What have i done" he whispered slowly running his fingers in his hair.
Love is something that he has always been avoiding been avoiding since his early age. He has watched how it has destroyed his mother and sister. He is not ready for such hardship and most importantly he is not going to drag an innocent damsel into his dark life.
It was just suppose to be a bet but why is he having these strange feelings. Those three words she whispered into his  ears when he held her in his arms had changed everything within a snap of a finger.
He wants to hold her in his arms, watching the sunset, the waves hitting the shore with him trailing sweet kisses down her neck. But at the same time Farhan knows that he has to let go the precious bird that has fallen into his life.
His life had no meaning before Iman came but after inan he could feel the rhythm of life. Farhan was happy that iman shared those beautiful days with him and he will forever cherish them.
As much as he wants stay, Farhan is not going to make the mistake his mother and sister made.
Last night shouldn't have been. It was a mistake. He should have controlled his sexual urges. Iman is like a pure angel, she doesn't deserve this.
She taught him about love,trust and he taught her that she didn't need to see the colors of love to know what the heart desires but now he is the one who is going to break her heart into tiny pieces.
With iman he didn't need to touch the fire to feel the burn, he just need to be there with her but he knows that she deserves better than him.
Farhan picks a paper from the bedside drawer craving a sorry on it, he squats a little bit and places a simple kiss on her forehead.
"I'm sorry my love, please forgive me" he whispers and takes gentle steps out of the hotel room. Stepping out side the hotel, Farhan finds his driver waiting for him.
"To the airport" he says sternly.
"Okay sir" the driver replies.


Mornings. Something iman hates with great passion especially the sunny ones. She hates sunshine and it's seems like the sun is obsessed with her because it's always trying to offer its greetings every morning. It's irritating and she always wonders why her curtains aren't doing their job properly.
And then the sun's partners in crime. The birds! Always chriping , trying to announce their presence as if they are that important and besides who would want to wake up to the sound of the birds singing from trees to trees like some lunatics.
With a groan Iman rolls out of the bed and at the same time her mother decided to make an appearance with a pissed look on her face.
"Are you serious Iman!" She yelled "You know we have an event at 6 but here you are still sleeping"
"What's wrong with you Iman" she says sternly.
"Mom it's just 11 and the event starts at 6, so we still have time. Why are you making it a big deal"Iman replies as her feet hits the ice cold flooring.
"I don't care, we have a lot to cover. Now take a shower, i am sending zara with your breakfast and when you are done meet me in the living room." Mrs Sheriff says as she leaves the room.
Iman groans for the second time since she woke up five minutes ago and made her way to the bathroom. Like every other morning, she got pissed. She has a lot to cover at work but her mother made her took the day off because of this stupid event.
Iman has spent the whole weekend parading around London restaurants with Farhan.
Her father's order.
She won't say that she didn't enjoy the time they spent together because that will be a lie.
Another new problem!
A very big problem for her heart and sanity. She cannot have feelings for that guy again. No! That's too toxic. That guy was once like a hero in her life. She was already lonely living with her parents and brothers, they were always busy. She only had her best friend and Zara sometimes. When she met Farhan, he took away the loneliness in her life. Four months spent with him felt like an eternity.
He was perfect for her or maybe she was so stuck in in the world of literature and romance that she had totally forgot those love stories were just a fragment of the author's imagination.
They are all fiction that can never happen. They are the writer's dreams that never came true so they write them down in a paper creating a fantasy world full of love and endless happiness.
The more time she had spent with Farhan, the more she wanted to stay. Everything about him was so perfect from his brown orbs to his purely romantic actions that always made her feel butterflies in her stomach.
How could she not fall for him when he was the right definition of perfection. Those four months he had been nothing but kind and protective.
Like a dark curtain iman found herself concealed behind an imaginary curtain that kept her away from the truth. She couldn't see his true intentions towards her.
Maybe it was her desperate yearn for love that led her to make such a grave mistake. She was so lost in the imaginary world but then farhan pulled her back to reality.

As the shower water cascade down her body, Iman felt like half of her problems have been talen from her as her muscle relax to the pleasure the warm water had to offer. She then scrubbed her body and rinsed it, stepping out she wrapped her petite body with a towel and walked to her closet.
She got dressed in a comfy blue jumpsuit and tied her head with a vintage scarf. She met zara in a room with a trolley of English breakfast.
"Good morning Zara" she greets sinking on her bed.
"Morning my sweet girl, your mother is waiting for you downstairs, so hurry up and eat something"
"Okay let her know that I will be there in 20 minutes. Thank you" she replied.
Iman quickly shoved her breakfast down her throat and went down to meet her mother, who was eager to be a mother in law.


"You know in this business world everyone wants a piece of something good, that why i was so happy when you agreed to take over your father's legacy." Farhan smiled at his father in law, slowly raising his head and his eyes caught something very interesting. A picture of  Iman's college graduation.
Mr Sheriff watched as Farhan take in his daughter's picture with a smile on his face.
"I know you like Iman a lot" Mr Sheriff smiled at him. "Don't you? He asked.
Farhan nods at the man, he was feeling like a lovesick teenager.
"I still don't understand why you guys are always fighting. I just don't know what's wrong with my daughter" he sighed.
Farhan smiled painfully with a guilty look on his face.
If only he knows what happened
" Iman and I will sort our differences Uncle, I promise you that." Farhan says as he turns back to the picture staring at Iman's brown orbs. She stood like a masterpiece, how he will love to be beside her holding her in his arms.
" I will see you around or maybe after the party." Mr Sheriff says as he walks away.
Celebration was on and people were talking in twos and threes. All the while Farhan kept searching for Iman. He finally saw her with her mother and her friends. She had a dazzling smile on her smile. Dressed in a purple gown, her chocolate colored eyes were shining. Her beautiful tan skin glowing with the lights surrounding the hall. She looked gorgeous and all of it was making him weak to the knee.
Iman can make him do anything for her like her own personal slave and she doesn't even know it or maybe she knows but she doesn't want to acknowledge it.
One more long stare at her and Farhan knew exactly what he wants to do away with the emptiness in his life. He wants Iman and she will be his.
"You know she's not as perfect as she seems" A familiar feminine voice pulled him out of his beautiful magical thoughts. He turns around and his eyes meets his fiancée's cousin.
"Excuse me" he said with a confused look.
"You are well excused Mr Farhan" She utters with a flirtatious smile on her face. "You know my cousin isn't as innocent as she seems, she has a lot of skeletons in her closet.
" What's that suppose to mean" Farhan asked raising his eyebrow.
"What I mean is she isn't the ideal wife material you think she is."
Farhan laughed at her words "Do i look like i care, i like her the way she is and i see no reason why you are telling me this" he replied.
"I'm just giving you a heads up before you make a grave mistake, you are only saying this because you don't know the things she has done in the past. Iman is a devil in disguise"
I don't care about what she has done and I don't need you to tell me what to do" Farhan says sternly.
"Well if you find out about the real Iman and you change your mind, you know where to find me. Congratulations on your engagement by the way. Your fiancée is on her way her, goodbye."  She smiles and walks away, swaying her hips. Which made Farhan to roll his eyes.
"You look beautiful tonight" Farhan compliments the lady who was now standing beside him.
Iman scoffed and glared at him. "I can't believe that you were flirting with my cousin, you will never change Farhan" she utters sternly.
"Are you jealous Iman?" He smiled.
Iman laughs "why will i be jealous of that fake bimbo. Oh come on Farhan, I'm better than that. I just can't believe that you are flirting with her in our engagement party. Must you show everyone your true colors"
"Calm down Iman, I wasn't flirting with her in fact she's the one who was flirting with me"
"I saw you, Farhan. You were laughing and I also saw how she swaying her hips when she was leaving" Iman replies glaring at him with a disgust look.
"You have to believe me Babe. Why will I flirt with you cousin. She actually came here  to warn me about you, she said that you are not as innocent as you appear to be and i need to be careful because I'm making a mistake."
Iman chuckles bitterly "well i think you should take her advice Mr Malik after all she's right"
Farhan takes a step further fixing his gaze with her's. " You are mine Iman and I don't care about what she said"

Thanks for reading
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Maryam B Bello

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 09, 2021 ⏰

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