chapter 3

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Chapter 3

Farhan stepped out of the shower with a towel draped around his waist, he was still dripping. Droplet dropping from his wet curly hair, he grabbed a small hand towel and dried his hair and the small droplets on his body. He slowly walked to the washing hand basin and picked his tooth brush, he applied a small amount of toothpaste on it and brushed his teeth. After two minutes of doing the same thing he was finally done with it, he spit it out and reached for his mouth wash , he rolled his head back and gargled for a second before spitting it out.
When he was done with his bathroom business, he walked to his walk in closet and grabbed an off white shirt and a black suit with a black belt. It took him five minutes to get dressed before he slipped into his shoes.
Farhan's bedroom was very musculine , it is painted grey and black , lots of dark color and he loves it like that , he loves the peace and serenity the room offers. It has a giant window which is shield with some grey curtains that hides the rays of the sun. The bed is a California king size bed which is black in color , everything screams richness and luxury.
He made a stop and looked at his vanity and did a quick spray of his cologne , having a quick glimpse of his appearance, he switched off the lights and dashed out of the room as he walked down the hallway, he met his butler Isa who once worked for his parents waiting in the living room.
“ Breakfast Mr Malik” the butler asked
“ I’m in a hurry Isa, but I will have dinner when I am back” Farhan replied . “ How is your wife's health” he asked.
“She is getting better everyday, thanks for asking and also for the support” the man smiled. “But I don’t think you should leave with an empty stomach” he reasoned.
“ It’s good to know that you care about my health Isa” Farhan giggled “But you don’t need to worry about that”
“ You have been missing breakfast throughout the year, I have asked the chef to make some healthy breakfast, you shouldn’t start your day with an empty stomach Sir” the middle aged man explained gently.
“ Thanks for the concern but I don’t have time for breakfast maybe tomorrow and don’t worry I will have some coffee at work….”
“….and some snacks” the butler quickly cut in.
“Okay Malam Isa , I will see you later” Farhan chuckled as he walked out of the living room and as usual Salman was leaning against the car in the parking lot waiting for his arrival.
“ Good morning Salman” Farhan smiled as he settled in the back seat.
“ Morning Mr Malik , how was your night?” Salman asked his Boss.
“The same old, nothing has changed” Farhan murmured closing his eyes as Salman drove out of the estate. Farhan loves and respect his employees, they are his second family . He admires their loyalty , honesty and respect and he also loves their company. Without them he wouldn’t have been in this position, loyalty and honesty is something rare to find and for that he appreciates his employees and their efforts. Salman pulled the car at FM Global, an oil and international shipping company, his company that he built without his father’s support, his very own handwork. 
The security held the door open for him as he stepped inside the building . Farhan walked to his private elevator as he received greetings from his employees. In order to create a better work place for his employees , Farhan keeps his attitude a little more friendly and professional . People around him call him a workaholic and he couldn’t agree more with them after all he has nothing else to do. Some call him ruthless because he doesn’t joke with his business , he has created a name for himself in the business world.
He slowly stepped out of the elevator when it pinged in arrival, he spotted his personal Assistant Laila sorting some papers on his desk . “ Morning Laila” he smiled sitting on his chair.
“Morning Mr Malik , it’s good to see you in a good mood again” Laila grinned.
“What do you mean, am always in a good mood” he replied grabbing a red file.
“ I don’t think so sir because yesterday at the airport you were so grumpy , you barely replied my greetings” she pouted.
“Well am sorry about that I was very tired yesterday and I had to meet my mother , which made me nervous” he apologized.
“ It’s okay” Laila smiled “Speaking about your mother , you have a meeting with your father’s lawyer in thirty minutes” she informed.
“ What a good way to start my day” he murmured sarcastically  “Can’t we reschedule the meeting Laila” he asked.
“I don’t think so Mr Malik, you have been out of town for a long time and your schedule this week is very tight, you have a lot to cover” she replied sympathetically.
“ Okay, it looked like I am trapped” he sighed playing with his collar.
“ I don’t think so sir , it’s not going to be bad and think about the positive part, if you take over your father’s company, you can merge it with yours , which will be very good for your business. I think you are just scared about the responsibility and you don’t want your mother to be disappointed , but believe me you can do it , just take this company for an example and besides it will also make you to increase my salary” she squealed at her last word.
“ I know Laila and that’s why I am going to meet the lawyer and also because it will bring a smile to my Ummi 's face” he replied “ thank you for the advice”
“ you are welcome boss, I will just go and grab some coffee for you before the lawyer comes” she said as she walked out of the room.
“ I hope it goes well” he whispered caressing his forehead with his thumb, maybe Laila is right, it will be a great opportunity for his business if he takes over his father’s company.


The car stopped in front of a massive building, Mr Muhammad Aman came out of the car wearing a blue suit with a black tie. He took a look at the building which had FM Global writing in block form for a second. He slowly walked to the entrance of the building as the security guard opens the door . He walked straight to the reception and made a stop at the receptionist desk.
“Hello , I’m Muhammad Aman , I have an appointment with Mr Malik” he informed.
“Welcome Sir, that’s the elevator”  The brunette who was dressed in a black skirt and a red top pointed, “ Mr Malik’s office is on the 12th floor, you will meet his personal Assistant there” she said.
“Thank you” he replied as he walked to the elevator , he adjusted his tie and looked at his wrist watch. The elevator dinged in arrival as the door opened, he stepped out of the elevator. “Excuse me young lady” he called .
“Yes , how may I help you” Laila replied fixing her gaze on the man.
“ I am Muhammad Aman, Mr Malik’s lawyer”
“ I am so sorry Mr Aman , Mr Malik has been waiting for you, you are twenty minutes later” Laila said.
“ Sorry about that, the traffic today was very bad” he apologized.
“ it’s okay Mr Aman , this way” she led him to the office that has a golden plate on the door with the three letters CEO on it. Laila knocked the door and slowly opened it. “ Mr Aman is here Boss” She announced.
“ Let him in” Farhan replied nonchalantly . Laila smiled at the advocate and left him at the door step. Mr Aman slowly walked in gazing around the office, Farhan was standing by the huge window which the view of the entire city could be seen.
“Assalamualaikum Farhan” Mr Aman said sitting on the couch.
“Wa’alaikumsalam Muhammad” Farhan replied “ it’s been long since we last met, how have you been?” he asked.
“ I’m doing good allahamdullilah, I think the last time we met was at your father’s funeral, how is business, I can see that you are doing good” the middle aged man smiled.
“ Well you are right about that , why don’t we go straight to business, my mother told me that you want to discuss some important issues with me” he slowly walked to his seat placing his hands on his desk entwining his fingers.
“ Yes, I have some very important issues to discuss with you”  Mr Aman said pulling out a file from his briefcase. “Your father’s wealth will be shared according to the Islamic Sharia law but before he died he left a will”  he started “ Your inheritance will be divided whenever you guys are ready , so I’m here to discuss about his will” he explained
“ Okay then when are you waiting for , lets discuss about it” Farhan said firmly.
“ Your father called me a week before he died, where he explained some things about his past to me and he also gave me his will, he wants you to take over his business as his only son and the rightful heir to it” Mr Aman stated fixing his gaze on Adam as he continued “ Before you take over the ownership of the company, he has some conditions which you must follow and if you fail to do so , the shareholders will take over the company and will also choose a head”
A frown appeared on Adam’s face , why will his father apply some conditions , what does he wants. Taking over his father’s company is very important to him, he can’t miss this opportunity and he won’t let some greedy old men take over what is rightfully his. “ What is the condition” he asked.
And the next sentence the lawyer said was something Farhan wasn’t expecting to hear which made his hands tremble as the rate of his heartbeats increased.
“ In order for you to take over his company, you have to get married to his best friend Mr Umar Sharif's daughter, Iman Sharif”
“What are you talking about Mr Aman, are you sure about what you are saying” he yelled . This can’t be true, he must be dreaming right now . Why will his father want him to get married to Iman or maybe he is talking about another Sharifs.
“well believe it or not but that’s your father’s condition” Mr Aman said sympathetically “So are you in or not, do you still want the company” he asked firmly.
Farhan has never felt like this before, he could feel his heart beating faster than it normal rate, he hand were all sweaty, he has never been so confused. “I am sorry Mr Aman but are you talking about the Mr Sharif who has a wife named Khadija Idris Sharif , the president of S &I” he asked. Farhan knows that maybe he looks like a fool right now but he has to be sure about what the man sitting opposite to him is talking about.
“ Of course I'm talking about him, your father has only one best friend known as Mr Sharif” Mr Aman explains caressing his jaw with his thumb. “ So are you going to agree to the condition or not” he asked once again.
“I’m ready, inform the shareholders about it, I will contact you soon” Farhan replied, he wasn’t going to let an opportunity like that to slip , not only is he going to have his father’s company, he is also going to have his father’s company, he is also going to solve the biggest problem of his life but how sure is he that she’s going to agree to the proposal.
“That’s good to know Mr Malik and you have to meet Mr Sharif and discuss this with him, he is expecting you. I will take my leave till our next meeting” Mr Aman said grabbing his briefcase as he stepped out of the office.

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