chapter 5

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Chapter 5


The night sky was dressed with dazzling stars that represents hope and love but only for the innocent and those who deserve it. Farhan fixed his gaze on the window, the night today looks very beautiful and romantic. The perfect night for a date with your beloved but here he is on his way to meet his future father in law. “Who could have thought” he mumbled.
“Excuse me sir” Salman said.
“Sorry about that Salman, I was just talking to my self. Concentrate on your driving” he apologized.
Farhan closed his eyes , a sigh of relief escaped from his lips as his thoughts went back to the first time he saw her. She was dressed in a white dress with a black turban, her complexion was not very light, a little mixture of chocolate. Her brown emeralds, those eyes had the spark of richness and innocence. Bewitching orbs that were twinkling like a shooting star.
As she stepped into the restaurant all eyes were on her and when he stared into those chocolate orbs Farhan found himself captivated by them. It might sound clingy and unreal but Iman caught his attention the first time they laid eyes on each other. No one will ever capture his attention the way she does. On that beauteous night , his heart was captured by a tempting rose. The striking tune of the piano made the atmosphere more alluring than it was.
He felt like a prince charming ready to dance with his princess . He found himself feeling jealous and frowning at the way she captured everybody’s attention even without lifting a finger. His jealousy increased when he heard his friend’s praising her beauty and at that moment he knew he had to be the one to participate in the bet.
Farhan thought that it was her beauty that held him captivate but when he had a conversation with her, he understood the admiration that everyone had for her and it was not her beauty that held him prisoned , it was  her personality. He is a prisoner of her love.
“We are here” Salman’s musculine voice brought him back to reality.
“Thank you Salman” he replied . The door was opened by a young valet , Farhan was welcomed by the host who led him in when he stepped into the restaurant. The restaurant was filled with men dressed in expensive suits and women dressed in fancy dresses and jewelries. Farhan was feeling restless as the elevator rode to the VIP floor. He gently adjust his tie entwining his fingers.
He has been to many meetings with different elites across the world but he has never felt so nervous, it was a new feeling which he wasn’t ready to experience. The last time he had a conversation with Mr Sheriff was at his father’s funeral. What is he going to say to him? What if he knows about his history with his daughter and he wants to cancel the alliance. “Calm down Farhan. Don’t stress yourself, everything will be alright” he murmured to himself.
As the elevator dinged in arrival, Farhan quickly stepped out. “Welcome Mr Malik, Mr Sheriff is already here, follow me, I will take you to the table” a man in a suit said.
Farhan followed the man as he took him to another set of doors, it was a large room with a single table by the window. An elderly man dressed in a kaftan was standing by the window side. The room was decorated with flowers and some candle lights with a fire place as the weather in London is a very cold.
“Assalamualaikum” Adam uttered as he walked to the direction of the table. The man turned around and fixed his gaze on Farhan, a warm smile erupts on his face.
“Farhan have a seat, you are thirty minutes later” the Fulani man said as he pulled a chair and settled on it.
“Am sorry about that Sir, I had a very important meeting today and the traffic was very bad” he apologized.
“well, it’s okay. You are here that’s all that matters, it’s been long since we last met. How have you been?” Mr Sherif asked.
“I'm fine Sir, I have been very busy lately, I just came back from New York” Farhan replied.
“That’s good to know and call me Uncle, you don’t need to be so formal, you are like a son to me” Mr Sherif smiled. “I am glad you made it, I have been looking forward to the day you will find out about my agreement with your father”
“Well I must say uncle, my father gave me the surprise of my life” he chuckled.
The best surprise
“You see Farhan” Mr Sherif started “your father and I were best friend since we were kids , we grew up together, we shared the same dreams. We came to London with a lot of hope and dreams and together we fulfilled our dreams. I know the reason why you agreed to take over your father’s company is because of your business and the benefits you will gain” Mr Sherif stopped and stared at the young man for a while. A waiter came in with a trolley filled with food. The waiter quickly served them and walked out.
“ You are right about that uncle , but that’s not the only reason why I agreed, I’m also doing this for my mother, my relationship with my father wasn’t really the best” Farhan finally replied.
Mr Sherif was surprised at Farhan’s composure and boldness, he has really grown up. He wasn’t the young teenage boy he knew, he is now a grown man. “You know I am proud of you Farhan, I am proud of the man you have become and also what you have done. I am sure that your father is also proud of you” Mr Sherif smiled connecting his lips with the glass he is holding. “your father has always been a proud father. even though the two of you never had the best father and son relationship he was always proud of you.”
“Thank you” Farhan took a sip of water preparing himself for what the man next to him is going to talk about .”
“When we were young your father and I use to talk a lot about our families especially our future children. We always had that dream of seeing our children together. We had a wish that even after our death our families should always be one. So a few years back before your father’s death he came up with an idea…”
“Get me married to your daughter” Farhan continued.
“Yes you are right about that , when you get married to iman our families will be one and our friendship will never end, we will have the same grandchildren and be connected by blood.” Mr Sherif replied.
“Does Iman knows about this…, I mean does she knows about what we are talking about”
“No! She doesn’t know about it, I am going to tell her about the alliance tomorrow”
Mr Sherif's reply scared Farhan to the core . What if she doesn’t want to marry him? What if she says no or maybe she’s in love with someone else. “What are you thinking about” the man's voice pulled him out of his thoughts.
“What if she doesn’t want to marry me or maybe she’s in love with someone else and they are planning to get married” he asked
“I don’t care, Iman is my daughter and she must follow my instructions or she will face the consequences” Mr Sherif replied.
“What do you mean, don’t tell me that you are also going to use something very important and force her the way my late father did” Adam enquired in a low tone.
“Maybe I could do that” Mr Sherif smirked. “I am her father, so I decided what goes on in her life, she has to obey my instructions”
“I am not surprised after all you are my father’s best friend” Farhan giggled.
“I want you to have supper tomorrow at my house so that you can meet my family and also get to know your fiancee”

Farhan losses his tie a little bit as he rubs his temple with his thumb. He kept staring at the file in front of him, clueless. Maybe it was a bad idea to come to the office on a weekend. He thought that maybe if he makes himself busy he will forget about everything that has been happening to him but he was wrong after all this is his life we are talking about not some television series. Last night dinner with Mr sheriff left him flabbergasted. What is that man going to do to convince her and what if she doesn’t agree , what if tonight's dinner at the sheriff's doesn’t goes as planned.
Farhan slowly shuts the file he was working on. Getting up from his seat he slowly walks towards the window. A sigh escaped from him, fixing his gaze on the busy city as his mind went back to the events that has been taking place in his life. He wants a happy family, a wife who will love him and care for him. A woman who will be his best friend, who he can share everything with her. He doesn’t want a broken home and a loveless marriage. How sure he is that Iman will accept him as her husband and they will build a successful relationship.
“How can you forget about your best friend, Mr Farhan Malik” a familiar husky musculine voice pulled him out of his thoughts.
“What do you want Waleed” he groaned averting his gaze to the young man standing by the door step.
“Nothing, I am here to see my best friend who has been in town and didn’t bother to see me” Waleed rolled his eyes as he settled on the couch crossing his legs. “Come on farhan, you have been in town for a month and now that you are back you didn’t even care to inform me, don't tell me  that you didn’t miss me”
“I don’t have time for your childishness, I have important things to do and a lot of problems on my plate” Farhan yelled and went back to his seat “So what are you doing in my office” he asked.
“I miss my best friend, so here I am to see him and spend some time with him” Waleed replied calmly “How have you been Farhan, you don’t look okay, what is the problem?” He asked in a low tone.
“I might be getting married this year” Farhan uttered placing his palm on his eyes .
“Wow!” Waleed squealed “That is good news, it’s good to know that you have finally move on. So who is the lucky girl who has replaced Iman and what is the problem?”
“Nobody has replaced Iman and I have not move on, I am still in love with her” Farhan replied gazing at her best friend.
“What do you mean? I don’t understand, explained yourself” Waleed giggled nervously.
“My father’s lawyer came to see me” he started “he came to talk about my father’s will . As his only son I am the heir to his business but before I take over his company, I have to abide to his conditions. To take over his company , I will have to get married to his best friend’s daughter” Farhan explained.
“So what is the problem, I think it’s a good idea . Get married, move on with your life. Forget about Iman” Waleed says to his best friend.
Adam chuckled at what Waleed said as the sound of his laughter filled his office. “Why are you laughing, what is funny” Waleed asked in an annoying tone rolling his eyes. “I am laughing because you don’t understand what I'm talking about you fool” Farhan said sternly. “My father’s best friend is Mr sheriff and Iman is his daughter, she is the one my father wants me to get married to “
“What!” Waleed screamed “Are you serious, wow! This is great news, but I don’t understand. What is the problem, you should be happy that you are going to be together and you can finally correct your mistakes”
“I know and trust me Waleed, I am happy. I am just worried about what her reaction will be when she finds out. What if she hates me and doesn’t want to marry me.” Farhan finally voiced out the reason why he feels so terrified. “I don’t want to lose her” he whispered
“Farhan” Waleed called “the is a possibility that she hates you, but you need to think positively. Maybe this is your chance to correct your mistakes and make her forgive you, the two of you can start afresh.”
“I don't know , I’m just scared . This is all my fault” he sighed.
“Like I said think positively and pray ask Allah for help and he will guide you” Waleed advises his best friend”
“Thanks for the advise Waleed . Now enough about me , tell me how have you been, you look happy” he teased.
“Of course I’m happy” Waleed replied as his face lit up “I am in love” he grinned
“What!” Farhan squealed “you! Waleed, you are in love, what the hell are you talking about?” he giggled.
“Her name is Alisha, she is my employee , you need to meet her Farhan , she is so sweet I….”
“She is your employee!” Farhan cut in “how can you mix your personal and professional life , who does that!”
“Well I don’t care , it’s not like I go around dating my employees" Waleed replied.
Farhan had a good time with Waleed, he felt so happy after a long time. Even though his best friend is annoying, he is still a very important part of his life.

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