chapter 37: katherine

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june 1988


I breathe out shakily once i end the call with River. i've been holding in for so long that i actually have feelings for her. it's hard for me.. while she's been heartbroken over her ex for nearly 4 years. i've been here, madly in love with her, for a while now, maybe about 2 years.

i think i've been pretty clear that i have feelings for her. i just don't think she's caught on.

tour has been lonely without River and Danny. they're literally my world here on tour.. they're great company to keep and i love having them around.

my hotel phone rang snapping me out of my thoughts, i reach over to the bed side table and grab the phone.
"hello?" i say in my manly voice
"michael.." my mothers sweet voice came through the phone
"mother.. hi." i say in my soft voice "are you okay?"

"i'm okay handsome, i'm missing you! how are you? have you talked to River?" she asked
i chuckle "i'm doing okay, mum, i miss you too. and yeah," i smiled slowly thinking of River "yeah i talked to her.. earlier actually." i said

"oh great!" she said happily "is she still coming to see me tomorrow?" my mother asked.
my smile instantly grew, i love that my mum adores River. i love how they both get on with each other.
"she said she's excited to see you tomorrow... so yeah, i'm guessing so."

"oh michael she's such a sweet girl." my mother sighed. i nodded to myself.
"you need a woman like her." my mother added.

i blushed and looked down at the floor "oh michael when will you tell her?"

"i can't mom- she- her ex is back in the picture.. well-" i made a face "he will be soon.. i think she's gonna let him meet Danny." i said quietly
"how do you feel about that?" my mother asked and i chuckled softly "i shouldn't be feeling no type of way.. it's nothing to do with me..." i trail off
"you don't want him to come back do you?" she asked, knowing me too well.

"she's still in love with him, mom. i know she is.. it's been nearly 4 years..." i say feeling like crap "and she still loves him. i have to respect that.. that's why i'm not going to tell her how i feel. telling her how i feel will not change the fact she's in love with her ex still." i shrug looking out the window of my hotel room as i stand

"well- what was he like? her ex? did he treat her good?" my mother asked

i frowned looking out over sweden "he's the classic, what girls would call young lads like him, a 'pretty boy'. you know?" i ask "blonde hair, blue eyes.. tall.. does karate, rich, had his own car and motorbike at the age of 17." i told my mum "and he treat her really good." i nodded "she said he was so sweet with her, they were engaged.. they loved each other." i said

"he seems like a good man." my mother stated and i nodded

"but you're the most perfect man i know michael, i've seen the way she looks at you." my mother said.

"moommmm..." i groaned squeezing my eyes shut "please don't say that..." i begged. i didn't want my mother getting my hopes up with a woman.
"i'm her manager, mentor.. i'm her friend.. the man who delivered her baby boy.. and before all this she was my biggest fan. i'm not the man for her."

"michael..." she sighed "i know you and her have had sex." she said and my eyes went wide. i stopped pacing around the room.
"ummm—" i trailed off

"janet told me." my mum said and i groaned
"i'm going to kill her." i mumbled. i shouldn't ever tell janet a THING.
"michael!" my mother scolded me making me smirk
"she had to of had feelings for you to be able to be so intimate." my mother said
i groaned and rubbed my chin in embarrassment "mom please.. i don't want to talk about this" i shook my head "and it didn't mean anything.. well, it didn't mean anything to her. it meant a lot to me." i looked at all the buildings i could see in sweden.

"talk to her michael... you'll regret it if you don't." she told me sternly. i sighed and shrugged "yeah... i don't know."

"i have to go michael.. i love you, look after yourself on tour."

"i love you too, mom." i smiled brightly.


"mamma kaaaatttttt" danny excitedly yelled as he ran through hayvenhurst, the home of the jackson's, excitedly making me giggle as i closed the front door behind me.
we went straight to the kitchen where katherine, michael's mother, would be.

i walked into the kitchen and saw danny in katherine's arms "you're getting so big daniel!" she said, calling him by his full name. she's the only person who calls him 'daniel'. i smiled watching them.
"here, take this cookie.. Brandi and Siggy are out in the garden with Jackie if you want to go see them!" katherine told danny. he smiled brightly when he found out other children were here too.
jackie is michael's older brother, he has two children, Siggy and Brandi. and they're both young so they get on well with danny and look after him well.

he nods and runs out thanking katherine for the cookie, i raised my boy well.

"hey." i smiled at katherine "how are you?" i asked her.
"i'm really well, it's great having you both here! how are you?" she smiled

i gave her the best smile that i could "i am good."

she went to say something to me, but instead jackie walked in and interrupted her.
"ahhh here she is! the woman of the hour!" he joked making me laugh and lower my eyebrows at him
"hi jackie.. how are you?"

he nodded at me and smiled "i'm great thanks. how are you?" he asked
"i'm great too." i nodded
"has mr loverboy- i mean michael been in touch?" jackie joked.
i made a face and laughed "he called yesterday, yes." i nodded

"i bet." jackie smiled slowly and poured out three cups of black current juice, i'm guessing for danny, brandi and siggy.

i watched him walk out as he jokingly winked at me.

"ignore him." katherine told me. jackie, whenever i'm around him, always tries fo tease me.
"he's just trying to wind you up.." she chuckled making me smile and nod.

"cookie?" she held the plate of cookies in front of me as i sat at the breakfast bar i smiled and thanked her as i grabbed one.

i bit into my cookie as she said "michael thinks the world of you, you know?"
my eyes widened as i swallowed the cookie, i looked up into her eyes, "he thinks the world of daniel too."
i smiled and nodded "i know he does."

"he'd take really good care of you both." she said as i bit into my cookie again "i- i look after myself.. i have for nearly 4 years, Kat." i trailed off
she nodded as she wiped down the kitchen counters "i know.." she smiled softly "what i mean is.. with michael you'd never have to worry about a thing."

what is she trying to tell me? i frowned as i ate my cookie.

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