chapter 13: sex talk

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i slowly woke up feeling arms wrapped around me. i turned my head to see a sleeping johnny. his eyes was black and blue, i frowned softly as i stroked his bruised eye gently.
my eyes jumped all over his face. he's so beautiful. i am so madly in love with him.

i leans forward and pressed my lips against his.
his eyes flickered open them he kissed me back and moaned "good morning baby girl... can you start waking me up like that more often?" he asked as he pressed his lips against mine again making me giggle

"how bad do i look?" he asked

"johnny lawrence, you can never look bad." i teased him making him giggle shyly.
"you know what i mean.. how's the eye?" he asked.
i made a face "very bruised up. what the hell happened?"

"promise not to get mad at me, i have a headache and don't wanna be dealing with shouting." he pouted softly.
"hmmm, i'll decide if i'll get mad or not after you tell me" i replied sitting up looking into his eyes

"when you left the dance last night daniel soaked me in water in the bathroom. i chased him out and all the boys followed me. we chased him right up to the gates just at the bottom of the hill near here." he told me "i dragged him down from the gate so he couldn't jump over it and.. well-" he signed them shrugged a little "let's just say i gave him a run for his money. but before i could do anything else some guy jumped out at us and started kicking us in our balls and everything. whoever it was knew karate."

i decided to stay silent about it.

"aren't you going to say anything?" johnny frowned after a while "are you mad at me?" he asked softly
i shook my head and got up from the bed "hey, i don't want to lose you." he grabbed my hand "i never started it last night, i can promise you that. i finished it."

"i haven't heard daniel's side of the story yet." i let go of johnny's hand walking to my bedroom door. he got out of bed as quickly as he could, even though he was in pain, and he followed me out of the room.
"so that means you're gonna take danielle's side, right??" johnny murmured sarcastically making me roll my eyes as i go to make johnny and i a hot chocolate

"stop being mean." i gave him a look "i'm going to hear daniel out just like i've just heard you out"

he rolled his eyes and slowly threw himself on the sofa "do you need any medication??" i asked him
he turned to look at me and pulled a face "medication is for pussies"

i giggled at him shaking my head.
"hey... it's your birthday soon. what do you want?" he asked me as i made the drinks. i shrug "i don't really want anything." i said softly, only just realising it was in deed my birthday soon and i didn't even realise. i haven't celebrated it in years.

"what have you always wanted?" he asked me smiling.
"ummm..." i stood and thought about it "i don't know... i never really grew up wanting anything. and if i did i was always told no because we had no money to afford things. we barely could afford the roof over our head of food."

"babe.." he frowned softly making me chuckle "don't feel sorry for me johnny."

"but- you just-"

"hide my pain well?? yeah. i do." i cut him off by handing him his hot chocolate

"thank you." he smiled at me
i sat beside him in silence. he purposely slurped on his drink making me groan and laugh as i nudged him playfully.

"any plans for today?" he asked.
i shook my head "you?"
he smiled slowly "i've got training today at the dojo. you coming?? you can watch your sexy boyfriend training." he grinned stroking my thigh making me laugh.

"that does sound like a pretty good idea..." i trailed off "aaannnnd," he teased "if i do good in training today you can give me a little present" he told me. i rose my brows at him "oh yeah? like what?" i teased turning to him. "you can surprise me with it... make me look forward to it."

"who says you're getting anything??" i teased back. "you... by the way you're blushing and scrunching your nose like that."

scrunching my nose?? i made a face.
"yes scrunching your nose. you do that when you're blushing and when you're all shy. it's actually really cute."

he noticed that??? he noticed the littlest thing?

i smiled and blushed harder as i shook my head.
"see?!" he laughed loudly "you did it again."
"johnny stop" i laughed slapping his hand away from my face.

"come on." he giggled standing up and pulling me up with him. "we need to get a shower"
we went into the kitchen and put our empty hot chocolate mugs in the sink and we went towards the bathroom.
"are you taking one with me?" he asked me as he turned to me. i shrugged at him "do you want me to?" i asked softly

"you can... i want you too.. but if you don't want to you don't have to" he shook his head as he looked me up and down. i was only in a grey oversized shirt and a pair of thongs.
"you look good in my shirt... i might just have to give you my jacket.. i've had a few fantasies of fucking you in my red leather jacket."

i gulped as he said that "you have?"

he smirked and nodded as he brought me closer to his body "fuck yeah." he sighed "we should try it one time... if you're lucky i might even let you keep it." he bit his lip making me giggle as i pressed my lips against his.
"hurry and get in the shower then before kreese has a heart attack because his best student is late." i grabbed his hand and lead him into the bathroom getting four towels, two to wrap around us and another two to dry our hair.

we striped makeup and jumped in the shower and he turned it up so it was nice and warm for us.
he turned to me and pulled me closer to his body. "you know... i've never taken a shower with anyone before."

"really??" i asked as i went my hair watching him reach for the shampoo.
he jokingly pushed me away so he could dip his head under the shower head and wet his blonde hair
"so you never showered with ali?" i asked him and he shook his head, droplets of water fell off the end of his hair "no... she was never comfortable with it, which i understand." he told me and i smiled softly.
he's so sweet.

"so i'm one of your firsts in something??" i teased making him blush "you're my first in two things now."

"TWO?!" i asked as i washed my hair in the shampoo as he did too.
"yeah.." he trailed off "when we first had sex... it was my first time."

my eyes went wide "it was?!" and he nodded at me "yeah.. was i bad?" he said shyly. i huffed as i laughed "as if.. best i've ever had"

i lost my virginity when i was 15.. i'm turning 18 soon. i lost my virginity to my friend, beck, who i've known for quite some time, he's a family friend, so i've known him since being a child. we both lost our virginity to each other. but we've never really seen each other romantically, i find him attractive and he finds me attractive too... but we never wanted to be with each other.

"how many other people have you been with? if you don't mind me asking" he asked while he washed the shampoo out.

"three... well:. four including you."

"can i ask who?" he said softly.
i made a face as i washed my face with water "don't go beating people up."
"i won't!" he laughed loudly
"beck... he's in my music class, i've known him since being a child. then, someone called alfie who moved away last year. so don't go beating beck up... he's a sweetheart." i washed my conditioner out and grabbed my sponge to wash my body "and... obviously jimmy." i cleared my throat.

"yeah i already knew that one." he sarcastically replied making me chuckle "and i won't touch beck.. as long as he doesn't get touchy feel-y with my girl" johnny said softly.

i smiled softly as we finished off in the shower and got ready so we could head off to the dojo.

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