Watching her leave

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Minji's POV

I watched out my window as she drove away. And if I am being honest it hurt a little for some reason watching her drive off.

I couldn't explain, I just hurt.
I sighed to myself. Why did I tell her my actual name? It wouldn't matter anyway, I would never see her again.

I don't know what it was about her, there was something different...
she and I connected I know that...
she knows that and that kiss we shared proved that.
That kiss was amazing, my lips still felt like they were tingling.

I moved away from the window when she was out of sight I have struggled for a long time with getting close to people...trusting people due to my past.

That is what happens when anyone who had I ever meant to care for you abused you, hurt you, left and used you, it is hard to let anyone in.

Yoohyeon was different though and it made me wish I had met her other way but I never and now it is best that I don't ever see her again even though she stays not too far because things would get complicated.

Could you imagine something did happen between us and people asked how we met what are we meant to say

"Hey yes she paid for me to pretend to be her date?"
I don't think that would go down to well. As I said, it would make things complicated.

I decided a shower and coffee would be a good start before I tried to concentrate on studying for classes tomorrow. I am sure it will pass after a few days, sure she will forget about me in no time.

I must have stayed in the shower for a good hour before getting out of it, pulling my comfies on, grabbing everything I needed and headed through to the living room, setting some snacks up...Brain food.

I grabbed my laptop, putting all my things out that I needed and decided to start on my studying, I try to take my mind off to everything that has happened the last twenty-four hours.

It never worked though, my mind kept going back to her.
Why? Why did I have to meet someone like her?
Why couldn't she just have been like all my other clients?
It would have made things a whole lot easier for me...for her I felt bad for how I ended things but it was for the best.


I have been trying to study for like four hours, managing to do not much at all to be honest. I decided maybe a walk would help, some fresh air.

I put some other clothes on, not wanting to go out in what I was wearing.

I opened the front door, as I did I seen someone coming up my driveway, with a bunch of beautiful flowers in his hand, he must have the wrong house

"Hey are you Minji?" The guy asked smiling

"Um...yes." I said confused

"Well these are for you..." he said handing

"Thanks." I said before he headed off

Who the heck is sending me flowers?
I headed inside with them, finding a vase for them, taking the card out that was attached to it.

A small envelope with my name on it. I opened it, reading the card

"Hey beautiful, I know you said we couldn't see each other again...
I respect that but I wanted to send you these to let you know I was thinking about you. And to say thank you. Hopefully one day I will see you again - Yoohyeon"

It was Yoohyeon?
That was the last the person I expected to be honest. I couldn't help but smile though, they really were beautiful, though at the same time it made things even harder.

I looked at it again, seeing there was an arrow, telling to turn over I flipped it over, seeing her number on it followed by "Just in case you change your mind."

I sighed, running my fingers through my hair and tossed the card aside.

Why did she have to do that?
Now it is going to make me staying away from her even harder because I have the temptation of being able to actually call her now.

This is not fair, I know I should put it in the trash but I couldn't, instead I put it in a drawer in my kitchen, hoping I would forget about it eventually.

I placed my flowers by the window before heading out for my walk. I decided to walk down to the park close to my house, it was always quiet and beautiful too. I was hoping it would take my mind off everything at least for a while.

I really wasn't in the mood for work tonight but I knew I had to go, plus I need the money, my rent was due plus
I needing some new things for my classes like books and things, they were not cheap.

Plus I have been with this guy before I am meeting with, he was a bit of an arrogant ass. A rich guy going through a midlife crisis...he liked to hire us girls for events to make himself look good.

He was no Yoohyeon that was sure but in my line of work like Yoohyeon, she was one of a kind but it was all part of the job.

I walked around for a good two hours before heading back home, smiling when I walked in seeing the flowers again. It made me very tempted to text or call her, to thank her but I can't do that because that would be the wrong move.

I sighed again I decided I should go get myself ready for tonight. I was meeting him at some hotel bar for a drink before apparent dinner with some of business friends or something like that.

Time to smile, giggling and act like I am interested in him. I was hoping it would be a quick night because honestly all I wanted to do was get into my PJs, study, watch a movie and order pizza, instead I need to sit with a bunch of arrogant assholes drinking expensive champagne that I don't really like...fancy food that doesn't even fill you up.

I really hated all the fancy things, it wasn't me but at the end of the day I was getting paid to act how these people needed me to act. I gave myself the once over, rolling my eyes and taking a deep breath before grabbing my things to head out to go meet him.

I had a feeling it was gonna be a little harder tonight than usual because last night was going to be back in the back of my head... Yoohyeon was going to be in the back of my head. Let's just get this over with.

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