Deserves the best

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Yoohyeon's POV

I made sure to wake up earlier than Minji, deciding to make her day start good since it ended crap last night.

I wish she would have let me go in and punch them, I knew that wouldn't have helped her any.

I was really hoping I could convince her to let me pay for her College, the last thing I don't want her to do is leave. I knew that was going to take some convincing though.

My plan of action this morning?
Out to grab breakfast from her favourite, flowers and a special little gift I had my eye on for her for a few weeks now.

I decided today I was going to spoil her, she deserves it after what she went through last night. She needs to know all people aren't like those assholes from last night.

I am not going to lie there was a part of that I was glad she was quitting her work because she deserves better but I am also sad for her because I know when she does things are going to get hard for her but I hope she knows if she needs anything she can ask me.

I had grabbed us pancakes, pastries, fresh fruit and coffee from her favourite cofé. I also stopped by to pick her gift up, luckily the place opened at eight a.m.

It was a beautiful heart pendent, pink Gold with diamonds around it. It would suit her that was for sure.

I plated everything up, placing it on a tray along with the coffee, flowers and the gift box with her necklace.

She was still sound asleep when I entered the room. I sat the tray down, sitting on the edge of the bed and stroking her hair, placing a kiss on her forehead...

"Hey wake up sleeping beauty."I whispered softly

She groaned, pulling the covers over her face. I chuckled pulling them away and kissed her lips. She soon smiled, kissing me back. I pulled away and she opened her eyes, smiling up at me.

"Morning baby..." she said rubbing her eyes and sitting up

"Morning beautiful. How you feeling this morning?" I asked stroking her hair

''I am doing OK." She smiled placing her hand on mine

"Did I smell Bessy pancakes?" she added smiling Bessy's was the name of the place I got them from.

I laughed, nodding my head, grabbing the tray, sitting it on her lap and taking my place next to her.

"What is this?" She asked lifting the box and turning to look at me

"A little something from me to you my love?" I said

"Open it and find out." I added chuckling

She undone the small ribbon around it, opening the box and I watch her eyes go wide.

"Oh My it is beautiful Yooh..." She gushed running her finger over it

"I am glad you like it." I smiled She turned to me, placing a kiss to my lips and thanking me for it over and over.

"The flowers are beautiful too..." She said kissing my cheek
"Thank you." She added

"You are very come on let's eat." I said

She smiled, the two of tucking in to our breakfast. She seemed better than what she did last night.

I decided not to mention last night or ask if she is still quitting, if she wanted to talk about that she would.

"What should we do today? Your choice, I decided I am going to spoil you."I said

"You don't need to spoil me Yooh." She giggled

"Being with you is all need." She added

''I know but I wanna..."I said leaning in to kiss her

"Well to start the day...I want you, right now." she smirked

"I can do that...' "I smirked, removing the tray out of the way and pulling her close to me.


Minji and I were laying cuddled up on bed after making love for a couple of hours.

Her head was on my chest, her fingers linked with mine, wrapped up in each other and in the sheets.

"I am gonna call my boss later and tell her I am not coming back." She said

"Will she let it be that easy for you?" I asked

"Yes, she will try to get me to stay but she will understand when I tell her, she is good that way." She smiled

"I just need to try find another job now." She added sadly

"You will find something babe. You could always come work with me?"
I said

Why I didn't think of that? I am sure I could find her a position at my work.

"And what use I am going to be there?" she giggled

"You could be my sexy new assistant?" I smirked

"You think uh? I am not sure us working together would be such a good idea though." She said

"Why not? It would make my work day way better having you there?"I smiled

"It can even just be temporary until you find something else. It won't be as much as you have been making but it does pay well." I added

At least if she worked with me she would still have a wage coming in and she wouldn't need to leave College, yes she may still need some help to pay for it but she will still manage to pay for some.

"I guess it would help to go towards my college right?" She said

"Yes and I can pay the rest that you need." I said

"And before you say no babe I really wanna help you, let me please? I don't want you to leave Minji." I added

"I don't know Yooh. I have been so used to taking care of myself, not needing anyone else." She said honestly

"I know that Minji, maybe for once you should let someone take care of you."I said stroking her hair

"It is OK to let someone take care of you every now and again." I added

I know it is something she has never had before, someone looking out for her...taking care of her but she deserves it.

"Only if you let me pay you back and I mean actually pay you back Yooh." She said

"That is the one condition and if you can't do that then the answer is no." she added giggling

I never wanted her to pay me back but if that was the only way she would let me help her then I am going to have to agree to her condition.

"OK...fine if that is the only way you will let me help you."I said

"It is..." She said

"Then I can do that, if it means you can continue with your studying."I said

"Thank are the best girlfriend ever." She cooed kissing me over and over again

"I just want you to have everything you deserve my love." I said

I was happy she had agreed to let me help. Now I will see where the best place in my company would be for her even if it is only for a short time but it would be good for her.

"I love you..." She said smiling

"I love you too..." I said stroking her hair

I wanted her to have a better life than what she was used to and I was hoping I could help with that.

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