Unexpected meeting

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Yoohyeon's POV

I had been miserable for the last few days I am not going to lie I have not seen or spoken to her. I did try a couple of times but then I gave up because I knew it was not going to get me anywhere.

Maybe she was right, this was for the best for both of us I may as well get used to the idea because I don't think I will be seeing her again.

And tonight Siyeon and I were going out for a few beers because she knew I was miserable. I told her about Minji. I had to talk to someone about it and I knew she would be the only one that wouldn't think I was crazy for feeling this way especially since I only got out of a serious relationship a few weeks ago and then I became smitten with Minji so quickly.

It had been a crazy few weeks. Tonight I was going to go out and try to forget about it all, maybe hook up with someone to take my mind of Minji, then again I have never really been one for random hook ups or one night stands.

That one night I had with Minji that was different, that was no normal one night stand. Maybe I wouldn't hook up with anyone, just get drunk.
I headed out to the waiting cab, going to meet Siyeon.

"Hey buddy how you doing?" she asked as walked up to the table

"Getting there, you?" I asked sitting down She already had a drink ordered for me.

"I am good buddy...we can have a few beers then go grab some food?" she suggested

"Sounds good."I smiled taking a sip from my Scotch

"You heard from her?" Siyeon asked

"Nope! Not a word since the morning when she left." I said sighing

"I am jus gonna give up, there is no point that she wants me."I added

I had to accept that, there is nothing else I can do. I can't even hire her for the night cause if she seen me this time she would walk away, I knew she would so there was no point.

"I am sorry buddy..." she said patting my shoulder

"Somethings aren't meant to be I guess."I said trying to shrug it off
"I don't even understand what am I feeling for her, it is crazy, and we only spent a couple of nights together."
I added

"There is clearly something there." She said

"If you and Minji are meant to be then the both of you will come together again." she added

"God only knows. Anyway enough about me, what has been going on with you?" I said not wanting this night to be about me, I am not that way inclined.

She caught me up on what I has been going on her life, with work. It was helping me take my mind off things.


I was feeling better as Siyeon and I sat down for dinner with a couple of woman we met at the bar, Siyeon working on one of them, the other one was married I was not interested in her, she was not interested in me but we were getting along well, in a friendly way.

"How long have you been married?"I asked her

"Six years, I was only nineteen when I got married got together when we were sixteen. Everyone said we were too young but we proved them wrong." Shuhua said

"Wow! That is amazing."I smiled

"What about you?" she asked

"I was with someone for a long time but it ended badly." I said sadly

"I am sorry, must not have meant to be." She smiled and I nodded

I was enjoying chatting with Shuhua she was very nice and smart. Plus it was helping me not to have to look at Siyeon giving some of her best works.

She was such a wolf at times. As I was in mid conversation I heard a laugh that sounded sort of familiar but different at the same time.

I looked around, trying to find where the laugh was coming and my eyes finally found the person it belonged too...Minji?

She was with some older guy, sitting at a table with her, a few of her friends and a couple of females.
She must be working.

She looked beautiful as always.
She was laughing but I could see it was fake, she was feeling uncomfortable. I could see her pushing the guys hand away under the table who was trying to touch her.

I felt an anger build up in me,
I wanted to go over and take her away from him, away from it all, but I couldn't because she needs the job and if messed it up she wouldn't get paid or worse lose her job.

She must have felt someone looking at her because she turned her eyes meeting mine. I see her entire face change, she looked panicked.

I see him trying to get hansy again and went to stand to go over but she shook her head, begging me not to.
I nodded and she gave me a small smile, turning her attention back to the table. She said something to the pervert next to her, standing and headed towards the bathrooms, motioning me to follow her.

'' I will be back soon."I said excusing myself from the table I made my way over to the toilets and she pulled me aside. My breath caught in my throat when her scent filled my nose.

"Yoohyeon please don't come over.
I will get in trouble if anything messes this up, he is one of our biggest clients, he makes the agency a lot of money." She said

"Minji I don't care how much he makes the agency that does not give him the right to touch you when you don't want him to." I said

"Yoohyeon you will never understand. I need this job OK? I need the money. I have never had the opportunities you have had Yoohyeon. I don't do this job I can't put myself through, I can't pay my rent. Do you not think if I had other options I would be doing this?" She said shaking her head

I reached for her hand, taking it to mine, looking her in the eye.

"I get it Minji I do, I just don't want to see that happening to you, you don't want it too." I said sadly

"It is only for another hour. He will get the hint and he will be warned by my boss not to be as hansy when I tell her, she is good that way but you coming storming over trying to be the hero is not going to help anyone." She said

I sighed, nodding my head. I never wanted her getting into trouble because of me. I wanted to go and punch that creep but I know that will make things worse for her.

She reached up, stroking my face. I closed my eyes, whimpering a little with her touch on me again.

"Thank you Yoohyeon." She whispered

"Did you get my text messages?"
I asked and she nodded
"Why didn't you reply?" I added sadly

"You know why Yoohyeon." She said sadly

''I need to get back, I am sorry." She added pulling away from me She went to walk away but before she could,
I grabbed her, pulling her back to me, pulling her into my chest, Minji whimpering loudly when I did.

"I miss you Minji, can we at least go back to just texting and phone calls please? It is better than not hearing from you at all." I said "Please?"I added

"I don't know, maybe. I really need to go." She said kissing my cheek and walking off quickly.

How am I going to get over this...over her if I run into her like this?

It is going to be impossible.
I just really hope I see her again.

I headed back to the table, not really in the mood anymore. I said goodbye to everyone and headed home.

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