Loving My Bully

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I Woke Up To My Mom Calling Me Downstairs For Breakfast….I got Out Of Bed And Took A Shower then walked down stairs..

Naomi:I’m Not Hungry

Mom:Are You Sure Sweety?

Naomi:Yes (I said dryly)

I walked out the door and off to school I Walked through the Hallways and saw people pointing and calling me names…after the 10 millionth time Ive been getting Billie I just block everything out…I walk pass everyone and finally arrived at my locker.lThen My Bookes Are nocked Outta my hands I look and with no suprise..

Naomi:Jacob What do you want?(he banged me against the lockers and punched me in my face until my nose started to bleed continuously people were gathered around)

Jacob:what I tell you bout askin me what I want you know what I want and I want to make you life as miserable as that wall over there now stand up and go to homeroom you get a chance to run…..

Naomi:starts to cry and runs to homeroom…Why does he do this to me I whispered…He’s just lucky I don’t fight back I said whiping my tears off..

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