Really Thou?

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Suddenly I saw that other girl umm why was she standing there I have no problem making her leave either..

Naomi:wtf you want Biggy Smalls?

She just stood there looking like wtf was she dreaming bout chasing a twinky or something when finally I said something

Naomi: Are you gonna stand there and dream about eating a hamburger or are you gonna stop chewin and say something..

Girl:First off my name is Tayler not Biggy Smalls get that straight

Naomi:Ok Umm Does this look like a face that cares * points to my face*

Tayler:You B.***!

Naomi:Why thank you anything else or do you need a snack to continue?

Tayler just gave me a death glare while she went back to Jacob and his Crew

Then he Mouthed Me and you After School I Took A Deep Gulp and said to Myself You can For This StandUp For Youself..Afro Puff Need to back Tf Off

what's jacob gonna do ?whats is he gonna say ?

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