Woahhh Dere

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Jacobs P.O.V

So I saw NAomi in the hallways putting her books in her locker I couldnt take it anymore I wanted her to see that I’ve changed so I walked up to her locker and kissed her I cought her off guard ..Suprisingly she kissed back… It was getting heated in the hallways and people started to gather just when I seen my boys walking up I smacked her to the floor..


Naomi:I was shocked at wat he just said and a lil angry so I walked up to him and punched the sh!t outta him…DONT YOU EVER PUT YOUR HAND ON ME AGAIN OR I’LL CUT EACH ONE OF YOUR MEXICAN FINGERS OFF YOU GOT THAT AFRO PUFF?!!!!

I can’t belive she just hit me I didn’t wanna hit her but I couldn’t let a lame like her ruin my reputation I had around here I will always be a Pimp with my Sun Glasses my Snabback and my Hoes if she got a problem with that ill Just have to deal with dat sh!t Mexican Style…

But at the end of the day I still loved her. Just then I saw Naomi coming up to me with her fist balled up Woah Dere....

Damn Jacob Fucked Up Totally -_______-

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