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Naomi’s P.O.V

I woke up and my mom wasn’t their but my dad was ugh I can’t stand my dad he’s not a good person hes abusive and he raped me once when he was high…..but my mom on the other hand is very kind everytime she tries to divorce my dad he just hits her its like he has a lock on her…I got out my shower 

Then got my bookbag and went downstairs

Dad:where are you going?

Me (I’m just gonna say me when it’s whoevers P.O.V):sc-School..

Dad:come home early Im gonna get high so I need entertainment

Me:dad pl-please don’t hurt me anymore

Dad:* gets up from chair* listen Bìtch don’t tell me what I can and can’t do *gets in her face and slaps her then gives her a slobbery wet hard kiss*

Me:*Pushes him off and runs out house*

I heard my dad scream something but I couldn’t make it out I think he said “Don’t say I didn’t warn you”

Yesterday Kimmy said She was sorry to me and jacob but something’s not right I don’t trust the ho.

I walked in school to see K-Kimmy an J-Jacob kissing?


Jacob:Naomi it’s not what it looks like

Me:what is it then Jacob? You are nothing but a liar and to think I trusted you!

I ran off to the bathroom with Jacob calling my name But I didn’t answer or look back I just sat in the bathroom crying and crying until someone came in

?:Are you okay?

Me:*looks up shocked*KAYLA!!!!!!

Kayla:NAOMI BESTIE!!!!! What’s wrong Sweety?

Naomi:*tells Kayla the whole story*

Kayla:that asśhole well get him don’t worry mama!!*pulls her into a hug*

When suddenly the bathroom door opened

?:Well Well Well Look what we have here….

Who is that in the bathroom?why were Jacob and Kimmy Kissing?what did Jacob have to say?what is Naomis dad gonna do when she gets home? 5+ comments tell me what you guys think

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