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Later that sunday your laying across your couch reading a book when you hear a knock on the door
Y/n- come in!

*the door opens to snape with a tray with coffee and two cups*
Snape- mind if i join you

* you quickly sit up setting your book aside *
Y/n- of course

*he hands you a cup of coffee and sits across from you with his*

Y/n- im glad you like the cup and im sorry about the other day

Snape- yes i do thank you mrs. L/n and im sorry i snapped at you

Y/n- I appreciate that thank you

Snape- Hagrid said i really upset you

Y/n- oh um yeah sorry i just hate yelling

Snape- i understand that normally id never yell, you just scared me

Y/n- yeah i forgot to knock

*he just sat there with a small smile on his face i crossed my legs sipping my coffee*

Snape- what are you reading?

Y/n- oh <your favorite book>

Snape- ah one of my favorites

Y/n- oh really *smiles* mine too this is like the 10th time ive read it

Snape- looks like you have a good collection of books

Y/n- i try reading is my favorite thing to do when im alone

Snape- *pulls book from under his cloak* mind if i read with you?

Y/n- id absolutely love that *i go grab a blanket and scoot all the way over on the couch patting the seat beside me for him to sit * the best reading light is right here

*you both sat reading until you felt him lay over on you he was asleep you stretched the blanket over him as well and continued to read until you fell asleep*

Snapes pov- *i woke up suddenly it was dark out the window oh my goodness i fell asleep on her i look over at her curled up beside me she looks so peaceful she's absolutely beautiful her shirt had dipped down exposing more of her breast... SToP snape what are you doing you love lilly.... Its late and we missed diner i bet she is hungry*

*i sneak into her kitchen and throw us some food together and made some more coffee i laid the plates on the table and bent down in front of her caressing her face she smiles and grabs onto my hands*

Snape- y/n... y/n wake up beautiful... hey wake up i have diner ready

*your eyes start to open and you jump back*

Y/n- *laughing* oh goodness i forgot where i was im sorry

Snape- not a problem I apologize for falling asleep on you but we seemed to of missed diner so i made us something

Y/n- aw thank you I really appreciate it

*you both sit in a comfortable quiet while you eat *

Y/n- you know your not so bad once you open up some *you smile*

Snape- i guess your tolerable *he lets out a small smile*

Snape x readerWhere stories live. Discover now