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The next morning you wake up late you yell at snape to get up and get ready!

Y/n- we've missed breakfast we have 5 minutes before class starts

*snape leans up in the bed smiling at you *

Y/n- hurry up *you laugh snape leans up throwing his arms around you pulling you back in bed you fight against his grip*

Snape- if we must

*you kiss him quickly then jump up and finish throwing your clothes on from yesterday and before you know its hes dressed and at your side*

Snape- come on ill walk you to your class

*holding your hand he pulls you out of his room through his class your fixing your skirt when you hear a gasp*

Malfoy- mrs l/n your with professor snape!?

*oh course all of snapes class is here a little early no one would dare be late. You blush and snape continues to pull you through the room*

Snape- no time for questions malfoy class is about to begin everyone turn to page 320 and read until i come back

*after he pulls you out the room you imagine the questions you will be bombarded with once they are all in your class later*

Snape- here you are my dear *kisses you softly* i hope you have a good day

Y/n- im gonna miss you

Snape- as am i you.

* he hurries off back to his class and you walk into yours, the day gos pretty well snape brought lunch to your classroom so you could talk and once it was over he gave you a quick kiss opening the door to leave your next class stood waiting to come in.... Oh of course it was snapes class from this morning who seen you leaving his room*

Y/n- come on in and sit down everyone

Draco- professor?

Y/n- yes draco

Draco- are you happy again?

Y/n- *that question hit you hard you knew you hadn't quite been yourself since the spider but had the students noticed that much* yes draco i am

Hermione- good as long as your back to being happy

Ron- even if you are with the dungeon bat

*you laugh*
Y/n- i know me and snape are probably a odd looking couple but he makes me happy hes vary sweet and is extremely intelligent

Draco- if you say so

Y/n- i do *smiles*

*the rest of class went pretty smoothly and after the day was done snape escorted you outside to the grounds*

Y/n- where are we going?

Snape- youll see

*he finally removes the bandanna from around your eyes to show a beautiful picnic laid out under the stars *

Y/n- this is gorgeous Severus!

Snape- im glad you like it

*diner is fantastic you talked about your past and his and about what all you both liked and disliked *

-time skip brought to you today by the letter s-

-a month later-

*life has been amazing snape is a complete gentleman and i feel more in love with him daily*

Draco- professor?

*you snap out of your thoughts to see draco standing in front of your desk *

Y/n- yes

Draco- are you going to Hogsmeade tomorrow

Y/n- yes i need to grab a few things

Draco- would you mind if i ride down with you tomorrow i need to talk

Y/n- of course

*later that night you let snape know your going tomorrow*

Snape- okay darling ill come to

Y/n- no! I mean actually if its okay draco wants to go with me so we can talk and i thought maybe you'd like to have some alone time to grade papers

Snape- okay if thats what you want

*the next morning you get dressed and head out, you see draco and call him over when his friends ask him to walk with them you see the look in his eyes and tell them he has to stick with you today because hes in trouble at school draco silently thanks you after they go their own way*

Draco- wheres snape?

Y/n- i asked him to stay back he doesn't know it yet but im going to get him a present

Draco- what are you getting him

Y/n- well hes been repeatedly saying he really needs a new cloak so i want to get him a nice one

Draco- your good to him

Y/n- well hes good to me draco but what is on your mind? What did you want to talk about

Draco- remember that day in your office when i came out to you about thinking I liked a boy?

Y/n- of course

Draco- i dont know what too do i really want to tell him but what if he says no or worse tells everyone

Y/n- well youll never know unless you ask but maybe friend him first talk to him and maybe see if you can ask him if he would be into guys then go from there

Draco- ill try every time i get around him i cant get words out though

Y/n- i or snape can talk to him if you want?

Draco- *his eyes go wide* no! No no no no

Y/n- *you laugh * im just kidding I would never do that

Draco- *sighs* have you told professor snape?

Y/n- of course not! That stays between us unless you say otherwise

Draco- thank you

*you hug him*

Y/n- you've got this now do you want to go in with me here *pointing at store* or do you want to go hang with your friends

Draco- i think im gonna go talk to him

Y/n- okay have fun sweetie

*you go in looking around you find a beautiful cloak midnight black with green trim vary nice fabric and exactly what he needs you also grab him a new quil, a book for potions and a black and green fuzzy blanket...okay the last one was more for you when you stay he doesn't have enough blankets *

You have them put everything into a bag and head out the door turning a corner going to get a drink you feel someone put their hand around your mouth you drop the bag and try to scream before you know it your out cold

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