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-authers note!
Hey darlings sorry this chapter is kinda trash until the event at the end but thanks for the reads and should definitely comment and say hi

-the next morning you spend time at your window enjoying the view and fresh air your mind continuing to wonder about a certain professor in black-

*you turn your music on *cue mysic* and start getting really into it as your cleaning and all of a sudden when he say im on my knees and im begging you turn around hitting your knees jaming out toyourself or so you thought you look up to see a certain someone is staring at you, you freeze*

Snape- dont stop because of me mrs.l/n

*you laugh and continue singing to him and spin around him he rolls his eyes you dance over to turn the music down*

Y/n- well that was the most cringy
thing ive ever done

Snape- i would say so

Y/n- ha well thanks snapple also why didn't you knock?

Snape- i did but you couldn't hear me over that racket

Y/n- ah makes since so what can i do for you? *you flop down in your chair* come just to spend some time with me? *winking*

Snape- oh um....nevermind its nothing *he turns and quickly exits the room*

Y/n- such a strange man

Snapes pov-
Damn why couldn't i just ask her... on the other note why am i even wanting to spend time with her what is it about her? however Seeing her on her knees in front me * a shiver gos down his body remembering how you looked....
he stops his thoughts there why was this happening to him he hadn't liked anyone since lilly*

-monday morning-

Your pov

*you walk out your room after getting ready about to head to breakfast when your heard someone clear his throat*

Snape- ah mrs l/n mind if i walk you to breakfast ?

Y/n- oh professor you startled me heh but id love that thank you

*you link your arm with his and head twords breakfast he stiffens up but doesn't pull his arm away*

*you talk the entire way laughing at something he said, wait did snape just make a joke*

*you walk in and all eyes are on yall since your arms are linked you continue to talk ignoring them all when your seated snape starts telling you about his personal potions case and what all he has been brewing for it, even the other professors are staring at this point thinking its strange snape is talking this much too anyone*

*after breakfast he walks you to your class and bids you farwell before heading to his own*

-later that evening its dark out but your still in your class grading papers-


*you jump up running out the door running slap into snape knocking yourself on top of him after a second of staring into each others eyes you hear a scream again you both hop up telling him youll go to the right if he takes the left he nods and you start running*

Snapes pov-

Ugh ive come almost a full circle in the corridor i should have run into mrs l/n already i hope shes okay.

*you start to hear crying you run twords it to see a 3rd year blonde girl trying to get mrs l/n attention crying her eyes out*

Snape- move!.... What happened

*at this point you start screaming crying yelling get away from me*

*snape jumps back not knowing what is going on*
Snape- what happened!!!! *he yells at the young girl

Girl- iiiitsss its thee there! *points to the wall where the dead spiders were*

Snape-*recognizing them immediately* terror spiders

*the girl noddes her head yes*
Girl- they were chasing me mrs l/n jumped between me and them they swarmed her and she did a spell that killed them but not before they bit her

*soon your screams got worse students and professors coming out from their house dorms*

Draco- *running up to you* mrs l/n its me malfoy are you okay!?!?

Snape- get away from her boy she got bit by terror spiders

Draco- terror spiders?

Granger-they are spiders that the venom makes you live or relive your worse fears it completely blinded you to the outside world whatever is going on in her head has to be terrible to provoke those kind of screams

Snape- all of you out of here!!!

*snape picks you up and starts running to the hospital wing*

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