The search

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Loki: He is the one that got us into this mess! He made a promise to bring her home to me and he broke it!

Frigga: He might have broken the promise now but I reassure you he wants to make it right.

Loki: I know he does but I won't let him.

Frigga: You need to. He didn't mean to let it happen.

Loki: Then he would have brought her back to me!

Frigga: He wants to! You need to let him help you though.

Loki: I only want your and Heimdalls help. Not Thors and not fathers.

Frigga: You have no choice if your father helps or not. This is his kingdom.

Loki: Fine. But no Thor.

Frigga: Well then let's get to work.

      -Loki and Frigga head to go meet Heimdall to have him help them -

Frigga: Heimdall.

Heimdall: Your Majesty

Frigga: We need some help.

Loki: We need you to look for someone.

Heimdall: Sammy?

Loki: Yes.

Heimdall: I will try.

        -Heimdall closes his eyes trying to search for Sammy -

Heimdall: I only see pitch black around her. But she is cold. In a tight space.

Loki: The capsule.

Frigga: The what?

Loki: There are these capsules that people can stay in and it will freeze them and keep them from aging.

Heimdall: Wait! I'm seeing some light. She is waking up or something. She is in what looks like an old bank cell. There are men in white lab coats around her and a man in a suit. She is kicking and screaming and is being escorted to a chair.

Loki: That's enough.

Frigga: You don't want to know more?

Loki: I know what will happen from that moment.

Frigga: How?

Loki: Sammy. She has visions. She saw this happening for two weeks.

Frigga: That poor girl. What is happening?

Loki: They are going to brainwash her. Just like they did to her uncle. They are making her their weapon. That why I need to find her but apparently it's already too late

Frigga: No matter what is happening to her you will bring her back to you.

Loki: She won't remember me.

Frigga: Yes she will, you will just have to help her remember. My spell will protect you from her powers.

Loki: I hope so. Heimdall can you figure out a building or location so we can find her?

Heimdall: It's a tall building surrounded by water with a bridge leading to the city.

Loki: Washington.

Frigga: Washington?

Loki: They must have her in the old SHIELD building in Washington DC.

Frigga: You should go get her. After a good night's rest though

Loki: I'm going to. But I don't think I can wait for that long mother.

Frigga: I know you don't want to but you need to get some rest. She will be waiting for you no matter what

Loki: She will be waiting to probably kill me.

Frigga: Stop that talk. She will remember you. But please try to go get some rest.

Loki: Mother, three days have already passed on Earth since the short amount of time I have been here.

Frigga: I understand that, but you cannot do much if you are tired. You will get her back.

Loki: I truly hope so, mother. I will try to go and get some rest.

      -Loki heads back to his room to try and get some rest. Loki didn't get any rest due to tossing and turning all night because he was worried about Sammy. Morning came and Loki headed to Heimdall so he could send Loki back to the compound. -

Loki: Heimdall.

Heimdall: Sir Loki.

Loki: Send me back to earth.

Heimdall: As you wish.

   -Heimdall opens the Bifrost and Loki enters and heads back to the compound. Loki arrives back at the compound and heads back inside to meet with Steve and Stark -

Stark: Loki. You're back, it's been almost four days.

Loki: I know, have you found anything out about Sammy?

Stark: Still nothing, you?

Loki: Yes.

Steve: What did you figure out!?

Loki: Heimdall saw a tall building surrounded by water and a bridge leading to the city.

Steve: Washington.

Loki: That's what I thought

Stark: Wouldn't that be too obvious?

Steve: No not really. That's where they do secret business.

Loki: She is already brainwashed. Heimdall saw they were dragging her to the chair then I told him to stop.

Steve: We need to go get her.

Loki: She will be very strong.

Stark: Then we will bring others with us.

Steve: Where is Thor?

Loki: No. He is not coming. Wanda, Bucky and you two. That should be good enough. Two super soldiers, a witch and Tony and I.

Steve: Are you sure?

Loki: Yes, Now let's get moving.

Steve: Okay. I'll go get the others.

Loki and Stark are waiting out by the Quinjet for Steve and the others when Thor comes out. -

Thor: Brother.

Loki: Leave.

Thor: I'm coming with.

Loki: No you aren't!

Thor: You don't know what you are going into. They turned her into an assassin. They might have only had her for almost a week but she has already been sent out to kill. She is known now as the Adria Witch.

Loki: Don't talk about her like she is only a killer right now. She is a hero like the rest of you. And in her defense she is only an assassin now because of you!

Thor: Loki, stop.

Loki: No! You stuck by me for years knowing I would change and eventually try to become good. So why!? Why change your mind for Sammy!?

Thor: She has more powers than you and is a lot stronger than you.

Loki: That doesn't mean that she doesn't deserve saving! I want to bring my queen home! She has lost enough time in her life already.

Stark: I want to get to her as soon as possible as well so Thor, please head back into the compound.

Thor: Really Tony?

Stark: Yes. Now go.

Thor: Fine.

    -Thor walks away and Steve and the others walk onto the Quinjet and Tony turns around and turns on the news to see them talking about the new " Terrorist" the Adria Witch. - 

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