Chapter 19

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Esme pov

Getting back home I was met with all four girls sitting in a circle in the living room have a what looked like cult meeting,

"Who died", putting down my keys I made my way to the couch, plopping down next to Cleo.

"Where the hell were you?" Kaylie shouted,

"With Matteo" I mumbled not ready for their reaction

"Wait, hot guy that's whiney Shane's boss" Cleo asked turning to face me with a perplexed look.

"Yh-" "Did Yall fuck?" Lottie quickly asked,

"What no no why...... I have a boyfriend guys I wouldn't cheat we know this.... I would break up with him first",

"Right anyway that's all we want to know.... but is he good to you though" Rin spoke up for the first time,

"Ya we just wanna know if he is a good guy" asked Cleo

If only they knew...Don

Never saw that in my life...fraternising with a mafia Don, how totally awsome....

I'm not scared of him though which is not the sane reaction. But truth be told i feel safe around him and protected and really fucking horny.

It's like we have our own language, or whatever idk, I've never really had male Friends....friends , i don't know why i said that i just wanted him close to me...

"Yess he is good to me even though we just reconnected.... he good though" I said laughing lightly, getting up to go in my room.

"Look at her glowing and shit...she probably wants to reconnect with his dick" Lottie tried to whisper,

"I heard that" I shouted and was met with 'oh shit's




I love work, I mean I love the money I get from the job not so much the job......

And don't even get me started on the people, I have 2 work friends beside Kaylie and Rin, We have Mari and Liam,

We all go lunch together to talk about work gossip like 'Which coworker is Sally trying to get in her loose pussy now' stuff like that and sometimes Liam's boy crazy talk, They're good company.

"What are you doing tonight" Mari asked rolling her chair to my desk,

"I actually don't know, what about you" I said still focusing on this document,

"Mmh I don't know I think me and Roman are going out to the movies" she replied, Roman is Mari's boyfriend of 3 years,

Eww couples... shut up you have a boyfriend.

"Well enjoy you disgusting couples outing" I said making gag noises,

"That's not how I wanna hear those noise" an annoying voice said while walking up to us, Vik.

"Vik, what do I owe this pleasure" I sarcastically said,

"Whatever princess, I just wanted to see my favourite girl, are you still with that dbag" he said while leaning on my desk,

Ewww my table probably have stds now

"Don't call me that and yes I'm still with Shane" unfortunately,

Scoffing he walked away from us leaving Mari and I to burst out laughing, the poor kid.


"Hazel" a deep voice said from behind me as soon as I walked out the doors at work,

Scared shitless my flight or fight kicked in and I punch the person in the face, a familiar groan came from the person that was bent down holding their face,

"Teo?" I said softly, he finally looked up at me and if looks could kill I would be 20 feet under,

"Shit, I'm sorry...actually I'm not, why the fuck would you scare me like that" I shouted in his face, waving my hands dramatically,

"Ow, what the fuck, you punch so hard" was what he responded with still holding his nose.

"Cry about it"

"I will... right let me drive you home" he said walking me to the car park and there I spot it, the same car he had when we first met in Italy, my same dream car.

Screaming loudly, I ran to the car, before I could even touch the hood my hands were ripped away by a strong grip

"Essy was just washed, don't touch her" he said holding my hands to his chest.

"You named your car essy?" I asked bewiled,

"Yess, now come" he said while walking to the passenger side,

Snickering I laughed at my dirty mind...

All Matteo did was shaking his head chuckling lightly, I spotted his dimples that I miss so much,

realizing I was staring at him I quickly turned away to get in the car.

The inside felt the same as the last time I was in it, Teo quickly got in and shout the door,

"Have you eaten?" teo asked while glancing at me,

"Ummm....yeah" lie

"Right, we are going to get something to eat", he said with one hand on the wheel,

Is it hot in here or something wtf....

Turning up the ac I sighed, this is gonna be a long drive to I don't know where.


Hey my lovely people☺

How is everyone.????

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