Chapter 10

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From this chapter everything is in the present...


Esme's Pov


A lot has happened in the last 3 years like, I have finished my bachelor's degree in Accounting and business finance,

I've got a job at firm I interned at during my studies and I also have a boyfriend.

Yay I know right a boyfriend, I would've never guessed that I at the age of 24 would have a boyfriend.

The only time I wanted to date was to marry, not saying I'm marrying my bf but I said I'll give it a try,

His name is Shane, and he is about 6"0 blonde and brown eyes...ikr blondie

But he isn't that bad, we meet when I was in my first year of working at the firm and he came into do his business...

The rest is history I guess, Shane treats me nicely and is actually a very respectable boyfriend don't mind he is a little umm controlling... but we try to look past that part,

According to my friends 'My red flags are green', by controlling I just mean he wants to know where I am all the time which is really annoying but that's about it.

The sex life is good? Yay good.... I mean he is no Matteo, but I'll live.

Speaking of Matteo, I have been thinking about him here and there, wondering what he's doing and if he's happy...

My thoughts were cut off by Lottie barging in my room, Lottie and Cleo are my roommates where. Kaylie and Rin live together in the apartment besides us.

"Lover boy is here, come before I circumcised him with the kitchen scissors."

Oh yay did I forget to mention that none of my friends like Shane, they say he is sus.

"Tell him I'm coming" I said while putting in earrings,

Shane is taking me to the club, where he works, to meet his friends and his boss.

I think he just wants me to go because I'm pretty and it would help him look better or whatever males do to seem superior.

Satisfied with my look I head out to meet Shane and make sure none of my friends killed him yet.

"You look gorgeous babe" Shane said when I approached him.

"Thank you, you look nice" he is wearing black jeans with a white button up shirt, funeral vibes

"Hey babe, you looking fine as hell" Kaylie said while smacking my ass, turning around I glared at her while rubbing my ass.

"Right...we have to go" Shane said while scratching the back of his head, I think gay people make him uncomfortable, which is not good for my friend group, most of us are bi including me, while Kaylie is more lesbian than bi.

Over the years I have dabbled here and there with girls, lord knows what Shane would think if he knew this.

Turning to Kaylie again I kiss her on her cheek and told her bye, locking the door behind me

Once Shane got in the car we drove off to his workplace,

"umm try to be nice okay, these are my friends and my boss, he came in from Italy to see how the business is running"

Wymm try to be nice nigga

"Yay okay" I said instead, pulling up to the club outside which was lively as ever, passing the bouncer I give him a nod.

We walked through the bottom floor where everyone was dancing and headed to the top floor where there is a balcony overlooking the club.

Pushing open the door to the VIP area I was meet with a sight that I thought id never see again,

Sitting comfortable as ever is Matteo, he was man spread with a glass of what looked like whiskey in his hands staring directly at me,

How is it possibly for someone to get sexier, His hair is longer than before and his jawline is sharp, but is eyes, his eyes were just as I remembered.

I got lost in his eyes again, they were swirling with so much emotions but what I could pick out was recognition and anger.

Oh shit he's pissed again, we honestly have to stop meeting like this

I was brought out my thoughts by Shane calling my name,

"Esme, Esme are you good" he asked while shaking my shoulders, I only nodded not trusting my voice.

"You spaced out on me, as I was saying... Esme meet my boss Mr. De Santis and Boss meet my girlfriend Esme", If I thought Matteo looked pissed before..

Idk what he looked like now when Shane introduced me as his girlfriend.

Matteo got up, walking slowly towards me, I felt trapped under his stare,

He lifted his hand, indicating to shake his, with trembling hands I meet his, I felt a jolt if of electricity through me when he touched my hand

"Hazel", he said looking at my intensely, holyy fuck I missed his voice

"Teo" I said softly so only he can hear me

Pulling away with a smirk on his beautiful face he took back his position on the couch not looking away from me.

Well, fuck me.....


Daddy Teo😏.

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