Chapter 34

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Esme pov 

The morning wasn't any better than last night, I tossed and turned in the bed. It was uncomfortably quiet without Matteo's loud snores next to me.

I made my way to the bathroom while rubbing my eyes to get rid of any sleep that there might be, after getting ready for the day I walked out the bedroom door to the loud noise of many voices talking further in the house, guessing the boys are downstairs I made my way to them. 

"... chi crede di essere una puttana?", I heard a deep voice say before I turned the corner coming to a room full of buff men in all black.  (who does this whore think she is)

I stepped into the room keeping my face neutral and my head held high as I assessed the room full of men.... damn this is imitating...

"Hello, everyone", I said loud enough for the men to hear me. 

"My name is Esme Barrow, but we aren't here for many of you your Don Matteo is currently in the hospital after an attack recently", I tired to keep my voice strong at the mention of Matteo's name. 

"So I have taken liberality of being in his place if you would have me.... I am not trying to replace your boss I am only here, so that I..well We will bring down the persons who did this", I looked at everyone's facial expressions, some kept neutral, others were lustful and a few were opposed to the idea. 

"Any objections?", I asked 

"Yeah", someone shouted into the crowd, the man step forward letting me put a face to the the voice. 


"Because you're a girl, I don't take orders from whores", he said with a smug smile on his face, one that I really wanted to wipe off.

"Awwwww, you can't held being told what to do by a it that your fragile ego and tiny dick can't handle not being in control for once", I fake pouted and walked closer to him.

"Well news flash sir, this int the 1800s, girls are more in charge than before", I smiled fakely an tried key word tried to walk away but I was pulled back by a strong grip on my wrist. 

"Listen here you whore, my boss might listen to your whiney ass but I sure as hell won't, so sit back and let the big men held this one", the room was dead silence as to watch and see if I was going to stand down and I sure as hell won't .

"You have 5 seconds to let go of my wrist before I pop one in your knee caps", I cocked my gun and angled it at his knees, I felt him stiffen but he didn't move. 

The room grew tense and thick as I counted in my head. 

"You probably can't shoot a gu-"  "5"

I shot him in his right knee and he collapsed on the floor releasing my hand, again no one moved as I bent down to him as he cried on the floor.

"Still underestimate me?", 

"Nigger", he said and spat in my face and laughed.

 I turned to my head to the side and laughed wiping away the spit, turning to face him I smiled sweetly at him which made him very confused. 

"Say hi to Shane for me.", he didn't get time to register what I said before I brought the gun to the side of his head shooting him.  

Blood splattered on my face, I wiped my face with the back of my head and stop up from the dead body. 

Walking back to the front of the room I looked back at the men who tired to seem unaffected but their body language was tense. 

"Let that be a lesson that I don't tolerate sexist and racist pigs in here, so with out further a due. Let's get to planning", I turned around to walk into the meeting room, 

"Someone clean that up", I said before I walked fully into the room. 


After a long meeting where we discussed how we would get in and what we would do it was finally time for me to go back to my room.

As I was about to leave I was stopped by a body standing in front of me...

not again.....

"Yes", I said not looking up at the person. 

"You don't remember me?", the voice said, I looked up and was met with a familiar face....

"Blondieeeee", I shouted and smiled at him, there stood the guy I danced with the night Matteo and I met. 

"It's Donte but yes hey, long time no see", he said, 

"Yes yes, wait what are you doing here?",  I asked confused.

"I actually work for Matteo", he scratched his neck sheepishly, 

"Wait- Matteo is your boss" I laughed shaking my head


"Your boss punch you in your face...damn", I laughed again thinking about the night, 

"Yh, not my proudest moment", he laughed,

"Well it was nice seeing you but I really have to go, Bye"



"Bye, Esme", he gave me a small hug and walked throw the house to where ever. 


Kinda short chapter, I- yh I know it's; Tuesday and not Friday but I have a very good reason....


Hope you enjoyed the chapter<3

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