Prologue aka How I got into Australia/When I got to Australia

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To be honest, I don't exactly know where to start so I'll just type whatever comes to mind. A lot of people have asked me why I've migrating out of Singapore and into Australia. The reason I gave was that I didn't exactly know either but my parents said it's easier to live here in terms of finance (hahaha... we shall talk about this later) There was also a lot of confusion about when I'm starting school and since I already have, let me just say it is when most things are pretty much settled in terms of the area we're living in and it should also be as soon as possible so I can catch up earlier. There were actually a lot of plan changes because initially, my brother and I were supposed to stay in the Philippines for a while to study while my parents find a job in Australia. However, we faced a dire situation where we must as soon as possible send out the stored boxes we shipped into the house we're moving because if we didn't, we'd have to pay a sum for each week it stayed in storage. So in the end, we left as soon as we could get ready and get some other documents done and settled and we took the plane on 23rd March.

I, by the way, wear glasses but when I do sports or am meeting people whom I'm too embarrassed to face with my glasses on, I wear contacts. Yeah... If you're someone who hasn't seen me in glasses, it probably means I unconsciously or consciously do not want to be judged by you (although I probably already have been judged a lot in terms of my personality..) or I just constantly want to impress you (yeah that doesn't sound like me but oh gosh, please don't pester me about it. It really is just teen logic. I don't even like that I think that way but you know, I just CAN'T help it, ok?)

So anyway, when I got down to Singapore for a stop over, I tried my best to get wifi then I went and called Zee (I do not wish to expose her name since it' serially unique and with one search, you might be able to find her online so I'm gonna nickname her that here), we talked and talked and talked and I was practically making a huge fuss; I'm pretty sure people were judging me, especially since it was like in this open area and my voice probably just echoed everywhere (sorry!). Soon after, she had to go for tuition so we hung up, said our goodbyes then I contacted my classmates (from last year, 2014. I swear my 2013-2014 class is the BEST. I could not hope for any better class ;-;) and eventually, we met up. I shan't go into details for it is irrelevant and I do not wish to evoke jealousy from those who could not make it so LET'S MOVE ON.

Plenty of time passed by and I arrived in Melbourne, looking out the plane window and that first sight I saw burned into the back of my mind. It was a beautiful sunrise and I'm telling you, I have NOT seen a sunrise so orange and beautiful. (I did what people would obviously do at such a sight; I took a picture!) So anyway, I shall just skip through this (my first impression of Australia) because I haven't gotten much time but if you want me to talk about it, just let me know. Message/WhatsApp me if you know who I am or just comment if you don't.

(Again, let me know if you want me to talk about my struggles to survive the first two and a half weeks without a proper home, a car of our own, and no money gain (jobless, basically). It was really... unbearable.)

Let me here where my family stayed and is planning to stay in:
1st day- in this hotel
2nd day-3 weeks into staying in Australia: in this certain house that this couple (my mom's friend is the wife though I'm not exactly so sure about their relationship) is leasing (is that right? Is my English right?) and we're only staying in a room (Yes, one only) and making full use of some of the house's facilities
3 weeks onwards: I got news we FINALLY got accepted to lease a house (which is unfortunately further away but the bus stop is a whole lot closer in terms of distance & time taken to get there)
Maybe a year later or so?: We'll be either leasing another house or buying one in Sydney (I was so in on this but with the current events, I really wanna stay with the people in my current school hahaha... They're awesome)

So on the second week, I got accepted into the school, which intially my parents said would be an 'interview' to see if I'm fit to be in the school and I was imagining all sorts of 'I didn't prepare or anything and I'm very open to tell you my most honest opinion'. If you ask me, that's absolutely contradictory since I'm preparing to say I didn't prepare. Yeah, I'm nuts. I'm cashew too (ok I shall stop). In that 'interview', the assistant principal (I say, he's a gentleman for he is kind - sorry! Trying to imitate Shakespeare English but I guess I can't T^T) was going on about how school is like, what subjects I'll take, going through some papers n stuff we gotta fill in by next Thursday. He also mentioned my grades being good (Hahahaha since when was it ever?... I mean, math is probably my only A. I don't know, I can't remember but I'm pretty much sure everything else are Bs and Cs... He also put me in the high mainstream math (Hahahaha we shall talk about that too) So in a week, on Thursday, I had to bear the embarrassment of going in and out of the dressing room, having students stare at me, wondering who in the world I am and having to fake my accent to speak to the lady at the counter. She's awfully nice though but it really just gives me chills that people are possible darting their eyes unto my back and I don't know exactly how many numbers are. (forgive me should my English be terrible but you understand right? So that's all good right? Yeah, I thought so.) A day went by and WHOOP! First day of school!

Oh yeah, I talked about talking about the fact that it's easier to live here in terms of finance. To put simply, we had to buy lots of stuff; school equipment, uniforms, electrical appliances, beds, furnitures, car blah blah blah so now we're close to being a broken piggy bank (get it, broke? Then when it's broke the money falls out... yeah, ok. I need to stop.). So yeah, that's basically it.

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