2- Monday, the prolouge before miracles

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(Sorry, the title doesn't make much sense)

Yesterday, I had PE for the first two periods so I had to wear contacts. Yeah, unfortunately, they only could give me the right eye contacts so I went to school... half blinded. Let's not talk about how awkward it was.

Before PE started, I had to inquire about it with another student, she's from timber design but other than that, I don't know much about her and I probably forgot or don't know her name. So much was going on, I can't really remember much. Anyway, I soon left her company, since she kept gathering more and more other students to her side as she walked around with me, saying "I'll go look for Jenny" when I just wanted to remove books from my bag so I could carry less later on and get my bag before PE started. To my convenience, the bell rang on my way to my locker so I was all good.

PE was pretty terrible. Why? Let me ask you. If you're a sporty student amongst your previous classmates and in the new school, during PE, you're practically failing every section of this 'test' at the semester 1 section, would thou feel any joy? Of course not! But I have an excuse since I haven't exercised in like 4 months, we didn't warm up (hence my leg muscles were aching today, also cuz I walk a lot) and my shooting/aiming skills when it comes to ball-related sports is just awful. I do archery, springing, hurling and a bit of pole vault, that which mostly involves muscle strength and stability, so yeah. In fact, the only thing I probably was close to acing is serving a volleyball. Unfortunately, I don't think I could use the sideways way of serving the ball (the teacher only mentioned overhand and underhand; also, if I did, I'd probably throw it off court such that it would bounce back from the other wall and into the opponent's court backwards. Dangerous. - I can't help but laugh here since it could hit one of the student's head in the back and yeah... That would be extremely funny and dumb) so I used underhand and yeah, the aim was so off. Anyway, let's not further talk about these 2 self-esteem-lowering periods.

That recess, I was simply walking around the entire school compound, doing nothing. Yes, nothing. So let's not go into details about 'nothing'.

Other than nothing, I happily prepared for math so I was first to class (initially typed 'in' instead of 'to'... I hope that makes sense too - Yes, I'm hoping to be first IN MATHS for I am a competitive student in Asian mode (inside Joke with my friend, Natalie, from Singapore. Funny thing, there are two 'Natalies' in my previous class and two 'Jenny's (Yeah, Jenny's actual name and the two 'Jenny's's in my previous class are the same. Yeah. They're real names are the same.) ). The math teacher even said "You're very early for class; I like that" I WAS SO FLATTERED. I really was, I felt like I caught a glimpse of heaven. Anyway, the teacher said we'd probably have an interrupted class so the 'test' would be postponed to tomorrow. Yeah, we're thinking the same, ain't we? what test? THERE WAS A TEST?! So I went up to the teacher and asked what topics they had gone through and so she showed me. They're all subjects learnt in Secondary 1 and 2. Like, seriously. How easy can this get? The teacher gave us the period to study for the test, finish up math work or other else so I made full use of the time to skim through the digital math textbook, page after page. The guy beside me even mentioned "You're just flipping through the pages." I couldn't help but giggle and internally smirk (yeah, I smirk in my imagination, my mind, my brain) since I already know everything it's talking about. Not showing off but really! They're all topics I've already had covered. Next period, I had to ask that same guy where our next lesson was. (I was in the same class as everyone in my class except math - since everyone had different levels of it - and electives. I'm actually very relieved I sit next to him else I'd have gotten lost.

Next period was Health & Human Relations and I was awfully very confused so I think I need to ask someone for help with that... I must make friends with someone before the weekend and have gotten his/her number to ask for help. Notice how I said his first? Well, so far, I get along with the guys more than the girls (like I did in primary school... oh, silly me) and in my class, the boys to girls ratio is 2:1. Yeah. 16:8 to be specific. Crazy, I say. Each girl could make a two men harem- ok I've said enough. Anyway, that class was interrupted because of the vaccinations year 7-10 have to take. Everyone was frightened and I was just there like "If I'm taking it, whatever, because I had two in each arm in primary school, felt numb on both sides, and nothing could get any worse than that." One of my classmates, an Indian guy, even asked me if I was scared. "No not really,"I said. Anyway, I wasn't one to be easily frightened by anything smaller than me. (yes, that means I'm frightened/intimidated by my taller classmates - that's everyone cuz I'm short. I'm exactly 5ft. That's how sad it is) In the end, I had to sit out since I didn't get this blue card which they gave out last week (a day I wasn't there yet) so I just waited for the class to finish. It was really awkward; I kept staring at other students, observing, being all "I see you have ginger hair" inside my mind and that sort of stuff. Anyway, when my classmates were done, I saw Jenny walk out and she was like "It doesn't hurt. It doesn't hurt one bit." On the way back to the classroom, another guy was telling this other student that it doesn't hurt and that she should go for it. (It internally pissed me off since they're all older than me and they were afraid of a needle and now they're all, "It actually went fine!". Ridiculous. Anyway, the class ended and THUS. It was lunch time!

Jenny asked if I wanted to join her for lunch but I refused saying "Nah, I'm good" which really I was. I ate alone for a while, then got this crazy idea of staying in the toilet to pass time. That was when I found out I had had my phone recharged so I could use the Internet (3G/4G). I quickly got into a conversation with Natalie and we chatted and chatted. I mentioned telling her not to make me laugh since I can only contain so much laughter and if I did laugh out loud, people would think there be a madwoman in the toilet, laughing to herself. Yes, it was that close to a horribly embarrassing experience. But lunch was coming to an end so we said goodbyes and I went off to my next class.

It was Commercial Endeavour again and I sat beside Mack, again. By then, I already knew the following things:
-Jenny has a boyfriend and it is he who sat beside her (other than me) on English lessons on the first day
-Mack has a girlfriend and it is she who did not go for the vaccination
I wasn't all that sad, really. I mean, I'd be surprised to know he wasn't taken. But later that lesson, while we did the project, he kept cracking jokes and at one point he said "Hah! There! I got a laugh!" When I laughed at how absolutely lame he was, and at another point, he was saying how no one wouldn't _(something, I forgot what, sorry haha)_ him since he's attractive. Yes, he called himself attractive. At that moment, all blueprints of that certain imagination were torn down as well for I would not be interested in anyone who calls himself or herself beautiful/attractive in front of people so openly. He might be joking but even if he is, he reminds me too much of myself so no. I have more than enough of me in my mind so I need not a male version of myself.

Following that was English period, where we finished up the film. Before that, the teacher asked us to do this worksheet checkpoint sort of thing where you write down your personal thoughts on how you are going about with the lessons. I wrote my personal view point of how I constantly struggle to catch up with the work since I know very little and I really do must study the subjects and read a lot but once my home's all settled, I can quickly bring myself right back on track. During the film, the teacher called me to see how I was going, if I was confused or anything so we chatted a while before she let me back to my seat. When class ended, she told me to meet her tomorrow near the library (an entrance to the teachers' staff room?) during lunch and with that, I survived another day in school.

That evening I was just reading Romeo and Juliet up till I finished Act 1, Scene 4. I still have much to read *sigh* I don't think I can finish up about Tuesday so I decided to split Monday and Tuesday instead. So for any promises I made the previous that you may find out about something in the next chapter, I'm really sorry but at least you have this. Goodnight, guys! I shall continue tomorrow <3

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