Chapter 1

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"Aunite Ana!" A little voice calls out to the woman sitting outside in the grass. "Yes Lila?" the woman smiles and answers the 9-year-old who runs into her arms for a hug. "Dad and Auntie Nat say it's time for dinner" the little girl explains with a smile. "Tell them I'll be inside in a minute" Anastasia tells her. "Okay" Lila says and runs back inside. Anastasia put her hands down on the grass and pushes herself to stand.

She starts to head back to the white house but then her phone rings. "Hello" she answers. "Agent Petrova" the voice on the other side of the phone speaks. "Coulson you know I'm with Clint and Natasha why are you calling me?" Anastasia asks the man. "I'm forming a team and I want you to join" Coulson explains to the woman. "Coulson I don't know about this. I mean the Avengers aren't even supposed to know your alive. I only know because of a slip-up. What would I tell them when I have to leave?" the woman protests.

"You can tell Clint and Natasha but the other Avengers can't know. I got the all-clear from Fury for you to tell the two of them" Coulson informs the woman. "Who's on the team besides me and you?" She asks the man. "Ward, May, and Agents Fitz and Simmons" "Two agents with almost no combat training and one who doesn't want to fight anymore sounds like you need me desperately" Anastasia states.

"It would be nice to have you" Coulson says hoping the woman will agree. "When do you need me there by?" She sighs caving into Coulson. "First thing in the morning tomorrow" Coulson says smiling into the phone. "Fine. I'll be there" Anastasia says and then ends the call and heads inside the white house.

Once she steps through the door her sister asks "What was that about?" referring to the phone call. "I'll tell you and Clint after dinner" Anastasia waves her off for now. Natasha nods and the sisters head to eat.

"So what was the phone call?" Natasha asks her younger sister when both of them and Clint get into the living room after dinner

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"So what was the phone call?" Natasha asks her younger sister when both of them and Clint get into the living room after dinner. "Coulson didn't die during the Battle of New York. Fury faked it to motivate us and the other Avengers and I found out he was alive a few weeks ago by mistake." Anastasia starts. "Not surprising knowing Fury" Clint says and Natasha nods in agreement to his comment.

"That doesn't explain the phone call though" Clint adds. "I was getting to that. Coulson is forming a team and he wants me to join" The youngest of the three states. "I already said I would join because he definitely will need someone with my skills cause he only has one who will fight, one who won't, and two scientists with no combat training." She continues to explain. "When would you leave?" Natasha asks. "First thing tomorrow" She sighs. "Well then let's make the most of our last night together for a while" Clint says and Ana smiles while he calls the kids and Laura in for a movie night.

 "Well then let's make the most of our last night together for a while" Clint says and Ana smiles while he calls the kids and Laura in for a movie night

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