Chapter 2

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Mike's driver's license gets put on the table in front of the group and it scans the license. Then the information spreads out on the table for everyone to see. FitzSimmons, May, and Anastasia are all around the table looking at the information with Skye standing towards the back of the room.

"Michael Peterson, factory worker, married, one kid. Gets injured, gets laid off. Wife jumps ship. Good guy, bad breaks" Coulson explains to the team.

Coulson then walks over to the table and Skye joins him at the table as well in between him and May. "Best guess is, somebody tells him they can make him strong again, make him super" Coulson says. "Who has the tech to do that? And why would they want to?"

"The same reason the Red Room took me when I was a kid, to have a weapon that they can control" Anastasia says to the group. All give her a look of pity except for Skye who looks over in confusion. "Fitz, what do we have from the security footage before the blast?" Coulson then asks walking to the other side of the table taking the attention off Anastasia and then she mouths 'thank you' to Coulson who nods in response. Fitz then pulls up an image on one of the TV screens behind them.

"What are we seeing?" May asks and on the screen, the image is of two men arguing with one pointing at the other. "Well the man is angry at the other man" Fitz explains seriously and everyone gives him a look that says no kidding but he ignores it.

Then Simmons goes on to explain "The data is very corrupt" "Yeah, like cold war Russia corrupt" Fitz adds and Simmons says "Yeah" "I can't sync the timecode without –" Fitz starts but then gets cut off by Skye asking "What if you had the audio?"

Everyone turns to look at her and she continues "I was running surveillance on the lab. I had my shotgun mike pointed at the window before the blast. The digital file's in my van. There's too much background noise for me, but you could probably –" Then Simmons interrupts Skye saying to Fitz "You can clean that up, can't you? Find a sync point and use cross-field validation, to find –" "But I can't scrub for expression patterns when the Vit-C is all –" "Well, is there a chrominance subcarrier?" Fitz and Simmons bounce back and forth then Fitz says "Yeah, attached to the back porch, brilliant"

Then they both turn to Skye and say "Um, that audio would be great. Thank you, very much" "We will take that audio, please" "Your van's here, but you were right, we couldn't decrypt the files" Coulson says. "The encryptions coupled to the GPS. Get my van back to that alley and then I'm in business" Skye says and starts walking out of the room. "Agent May will escort you" Coulson says to the girl. May follows after but Coulson stops her at the door adding "And on your way out, wake up Ward" May nods and then leaves as Coulson looks back at the screen.

 May follows after but Coulson stops her at the door adding "And on your way out, wake up Ward" May nods and then leaves as Coulson looks back at the screen

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Skye is inside flipping switches in her van while she talks on her phone saying "Audio file should be coming though. It's not compressed so it might take a minute"

Fitz is in the lab on the bus working on a device and hears a beeping sound from one of the computers and says "Um, Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, I'm getting it" running over to the computer. He starts talking with a tool in his mouth but then takes it out immediately saying "So, uh, when – when you get back, I'll show you my thing" but then he regrets his choice of words and stammers to correct himself "A thing, it's's my hardware" then changes it again to "My equipment" then finally saying "Let's...hang up" taking the earpiece out throwing it down as Skye takes the phone away from her ear, gives it a confused look and ends the call.

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