Chapter 3

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The B.U.S was parked in a massive lot and they were loading up supplies. Skye was finishing grabbing her things from her van. She looks at it sadly and when the guy comes over to take care of her van she says to him "Hey. No joyrides, okay? That's my house" "No worries" the guy says back to her then drops a device on the top of her van which starts the engine. She scoffs and says to herself "Where do they think of this stuff?" Skye then walks onto the B.U.S. and the cargo hold door closes behind her.

Anastasia, Coulson, and Ward were in the briefing room and the latter says "Skye? The girl's not qualified to be a S

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Anastasia, Coulson, and Ward were in the briefing room and the latter says "Skye? The girl's not qualified to be a S.H.I.E.L.D. agent" "Agreed. That's why I've invited her on as a consultant" Coulson explains and then says "S.H.I.E.L.D. does it all the time. Technically, Stark's a consultant" "I started as a consultant too" Anastasia adds in. "And technically, Skye's a member of the Rising Tide. She hacked our RSA implementation..." Ward says and then Coulson says "Twice. From a laptop. Imagine what she'll do with our resources" "I am. That's exactly what I'm imagining during this frown. You brought me on for risk assessment. She's a risk. She doesn't think like us" Ward continues to protest. "Which is why we need her" Anastasia says to him and then she leaves the room to welcome Skye with FitzSimmons and get away from the arguing.

Skye walks into the bus and FitzSimmons approaches from the lab with Simmons saying "Oh, Agent Coulson told us the news. What a wonderful surprise. Isn't it, Fitz?" "Yeah" the scientist agrees. "No, it's wonderful" Simmons corrects herself, and Fitz talks over her saying "Yeah, a surprise" with Simmons adding on on top of him "You must be very excited" "Yep, first day of school" Skye says, and hands Fitz her boxes. Fitz struggles a little as Anastasia walks in and says "Skye welcome to the team. I hope these two didn't overwhelm you yet" The two scientists give the girl a betrayed look and she turns to them and says "I'm just kidding" then once they look away she mouths to Skye 'I'm not'. Skye chuckles as Simmons starts "Okay, so... just-" then walks past Skye to get to the stairs and says "Sorry. Yeah"  as Fitz follows her and they lead Skye upstairs.

They get up to the lounge area of the Bus which is connected to the briefing room when Fitz starts explaining the plane "Officially, it's an airborne mobile command station

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They get up to the lounge area of the Bus which is connected to the briefing room when Fitz starts explaining the plane "Officially, it's an airborne mobile command station. But we call it the Bus. We find it best to use shorthand when in the field. But everything has to be just so, you know, because of the danger" "Yeah, I've been up here before, but I didn't see much because of the bag that Agent Ward put over my head" Skye says sarcastically causing Anastasia to laugh and say "It could've been so much worse" While Simmons says "Yes, so sorry about that" then grabs a water bottle and offers it to her "Water?"

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