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SNSD Leader Taeyeon and VIXX rapper Ravi are supposedly dating. Both the agencies confirmed the rumor to be true.

Baekhyun sat in his car while looking at the new kpop news on his phone. He was in dilemma whether or not open the article. He was curious on how much of it was true but he didn't want to hurt himself

He sighed in frustration.

"What's the matter dude? That's the third time you sighed ever since you opened your phone." Chanyeol said genuinely concerned about his friend. When most of the people can't see through Baekhyun's happy and jolly facade, he see right through it. He was like his brother

While asking Chanyeol took a peek of his phone which displayed the cause of his frustration, the article.

"You still haven't moved on." He knew very well Baekhyun has not moved on but still said it just in case. He knew how much Baekhyun liked the female. Even though it has been years, he still loves her.

"No, but she has." he said with glassy eyes. He thought about how it was true. All he wanted to be was a shoulder to lean her on when she needed him. But he has done nothing but hurt her. His fans called her names, bullied her on internet to the point she can't take it anymore. She lost her every thing in the few months. He was happy that she finally found someone who would not be as much trouble as he was. But he knew he was jealous of that someone. After all she was his first love.

He concentrated on railing of the bridge they were crossing. The last thing he wanted to do now was cry about how his ex forgot him even though it has been years. He saw how the lights cover the footpath of the brigde on the top of Han river. How beautiful it looked but how ironic it was with the truth. This place was known for being a death place of a lot of people. He knew the lights were to distract people from the actual truth.

While he was in his poetic world. He suddenly saw a dark figure standing on the railing. His eyes widened as he screamed to the driver


The driver was confused as he stepped on the brake. Both driver and Chanyeol looked as the idol ran off to the brigde. Baekhyun ran too fast so that he won't be late. And he wasn't.

He pulled her towards him and away from her planned death. He was panting as he held the short girl in his arms. He was scared to let her go. He thought if he did she would try to jump again. The girl started wiggling out of his grip. That's when he realise how awkward position was to be with a stranger. When he let her go, he saw her face. To say she was beautiful was an understatement. There was no beauty standard in the world that could tell him that she was not beautiful.

She was wearing a sage green bomber jacket with white t-shirt underneath paired with black ripped jeans. She looked at the idol with rage clear on her face. Her eyes were red probably from crying.

"What were you doing? Have you lost it" The idol said almost yelling in concern, and he didn't even know her.

"What ever I am doing or was doing is none of your business" she said gritting her teeth. She looked at him as if he has done the biggest crime. Baekhyun was shocked at the girl's comeback because first she didn't use the honorifics and second after being saved by him she still had the nerve to actually scold him.

He open his mouth to scold her back but just in time Chanyeol and the driver approaches them.

"We saw what happened, are you okay? " Chanyeol asked the girl concerned

"We should not stay here for long you both can get recognised" the driver said almost panicking.

"Why don't you come with us? You know it is not safe and we can drop you home"
Chanyeol asked the girl who was still glaring at his best friend. But Baekhyun was looking everywhere but her. Meanwhile the driver was panicking again because they are not allowed to give lifts to random people.

"No thanks, your friend has done more help than needed" She said while pointing towards Baekhyun, who scoffed in reply. The driver was relieved. He was about to say something but Chanyeol beat him to it.

"Please I insist. I would feel bad the whole time that we left a girl alone on the road let alone be a beautiful girl like you. And I apologize if my friend offended you. " Chanyeol insisted. The driver looked at the idol with most horror look

Baekhyun looked at his friend if he was real. If a stare could kill, Chanyeol would have been dead by now. The girl was also disgusted at his failed attempt of flirt but she kept it in her. But she knew better than to argue with him. To her he looked like a stubborn player type.

She heaved a deep sigh and agreed to taller male's request.

The driver knew it is going to be a long ass ride

A/n Props to heavensdust for helping with the plot

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