게임의 밤(Game Night)

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After crying her heart out in his embrace, she finally calmed down. The idol was also confused about what to do in order to comfort her. He met her in a vulnerable state but this was first time him seeing her cry. He wanted to ask what happened but thought she won't be comfortable with telling him. So decided to leave it.

She finished the glass of water given by the idol and slammed the glass on the table, looking straight in the eyes of the idol. Baekhyun flinched at the sudden eye contact. A few minutes of staring contest, Na Bi broke the silence.

"What do you do when you're stressed? "

"I sing? " Baekhyun replied but he wasn't sure about it.

"No, that's your job. When you're tired of your job too, what do you do then? "

The question made Baekhyun smirk in answer. She looked at him confused.

"I play games" He said leaning towards her. "Why? "

"Do you wanna play with me? "

"Huh? " Baekhyun was amused and surprised at the girl's offer. "You want to play game with me? "

She nodded her head.

"Okaaay, so my place has two computers, we can go there if you want. I mean if you're comfortable. "

"Yea sure, I want a distraction. " She said in soft voice making Baekhyun smile.

"Then let's go. "

He held her hand grabbed the alcohol he bought and rushed out of her house.

"Wait let me wear a jacket. It's cold outside"

"Yeah ok, make it fast. "

Na Bi looked at the idol before rushing to grab the coat. He looked happy, not the fake mask he has been wearing but genuinely happy. She saw how he was excited to play games. She has now forgotten about everything in that happened in the evening.

She took her pink pastel hoodie and threw it over her head and walked over to the idol who was tapping his foot impatiently on the floor.

"You're done. Let's go" He grabbed her hand once again and went to parking where his car was parked. He didn't let go of her hand the entire time. She didn't complain either.

The car ride was mainly Baekhyun telling her about him stressing his leader who was currently in military. She was laughing the whole time. It was so different than the times they have been together before. In between she also started telling him about Jihye and their friendship. The idol found it cute.

They were in his house. It didn't look too luxurious but it wasn't shabby too. It was clean. Baekhyun led her into the apartment. Her nerves began showing now like this was perfect time to be a conservative Asian.

As if Baekhyun sensed her nervousness, he grabbed her hand a gave it a firm squeeze making her look at him giving her a small smile. It was comforting and welcoming completely opposite to the way she treated him back at her place. She suddenly felt guilty about it and decided to apologize.

"I'm sorry. ", she said, her eyes again on the floor.

" What for? "

"For being rude to you everytime. "

He grabbed her should softly and pulled her towards him. He looked down at her eyes and gave a soft kiss on her forehead making the girl close her eyes. He was always a skinship type of guy, she knew that. She knew that kiss meant 'It's ok' but her flutter at his action.

Before she could take her fantasy anywhere else, Baekhyun pulled her to a room. It was a normal bedroom but with 2 pc monitor in front of the bed which was in the middle. There were two chairs, keyboards and headphones on tabole that has the monitors. They were not very organised but it seemed they were used more than kitchen in this house.

He walked over to computer. She was a sparkle in his eyes, he was excited to play. She internally smiled at him. He was focused in setting up the computer.

"Do you know how to play game? ", he said while glancing at her for a quick second and going back to the computers.

She shook her head no but realised that the idol can't see her so she said, " No", in a soft voice. She was embarrassed that she didn't know any game.

"Okay, have you heard about among us? "

"Yeah, my friend told me how to play but I stopped cause I couldn't understand. ", she said while looking at the floor as if the tiles were more beautiful than the idol's back.

"Let me teach you today. ", he said walking over to the younger, tucked a strand of her hair behind her ears and giving her that soft smile reaching his eyes. She nodded.

After half an hour of him telling her all the rules and tricks to play nicely, Baekhyun suggested to have an official first game.

" I'll go easy on you. ", the idol said with smirk on his face. To which Na Bu just scoffed in reaction.

" What color are you choosing? "

"Let's keep it a secret. It is more interesting that way. "

After 15 min her blue character was killed by a certain red character who she was certain being Baekhyun's character. So she started whining.

"You are the red one. "

"What are you talking about? "

"You killed me so easily. How could you? She had pout on  her face at this point.

" You got killed ", He was now laughing at her.

" Look at him being all innocent, you are the red one. You are the imposter, right? "

The idol only laughed at the girl's whine.

" 'I'll will go easy on you' absolute nonsense. " She said mimicking his voice, looking at the elder smirking now.

"I won"

She was right, he was the red one.

"Let's play again"

"I am hungry"

" Go get yourself something to eat. It not like it's my place anyway. "

"Well, do you wanna eat ramen. ", at this the girls whipped her head to idol who was smirking while wiggling his eyebrows. The girl who was wide eyed before now scrunched her nose at his pick up line.
(A/n do you wanna eat ramen is slang having similar meaning to Netflix and chill)

He raised his hand in defense.

"I meant the real ramen. What were you thinking? ", his face still showing the amused expression. She just ignored him and started a new game. He got up and went straight to the making some food for both of them.

"Let's have a rematch.", he almost snickered at the younger's new found confidence.

" Okay, let's do that. I won't go easy you this time. "

She scoffed.

"Like you did last time. ", she replied making him laugh.

During half the time, Baekhyun's character was killed. He was shocked.

" Huh? "

"I won"

He looked at her screen, she actually won. The idol sat with his mouth wide open.

"You were yellow, I was defending you the whole time. Waaah. Betrayal at it its finest. "

She didn't say anything but just smirked as the idol started whining about losing. They both were still talking about the game, when they both heard someone punching the code to enter the apartment. Baekhyun and NaBi looked at each other, wide eyes.

"Baekhyun-ahh", a deep voice screamed. " I brought Mongryong and food. "

While saying this, Chanyeol entered Baekhyun's room getting startled at the new presence of the female.

"You? ", he said while looking at the girl smirking and wiggling his eyebrows.

(A/n: Thank you for reading.)

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