Chapter 1

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Sprinting over the drenched road,the clicking sounds of her heel echoes the narrowed alley,while the dim lights made it even more difficult for her to focus forward.

Her footsteps trailed off as she camouflaged herself behind a pole,Her gaze lingered on a silhoutte who was standing in the middle  of the road.

Her footsteps trailed off as she camouflaged herself behind a pole,Her gaze lingered on a silhoutte who was standing in the middle  of the road

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She parted her lips and whispered.

Yn: Jimin..--

Her words interrupted when another male's voice echoed through her airpod as she closed her eyes in annoyance.

Taehyung: Why won't you inform me?

Yn: Shut up for a damn second!
She whisper-yelled.

Yn: I found the guy I guess ,guys.

As she completed she peeked out to find a slowly fading figure as her eyes popped out.

Yn: Dammit!

she increased her pace and trotted towards the strange guy after informing the guys.

And soon she succeeded.But.

Another murder in the yojo street of Incheon.The mysterious murder keeps adding fear among the citizen...

The notification popped on her screen.

Yn: wait! What?...

Few mins later

The team gathered over the murdered spot as they were all frustrated.

Yoongi: What is the time?..

Jungkook: it's 1 A.M guys..

Everyone sighed.

Yn: Who is the real culprit then?.

She whined looking at the duplicate one who was tied up.

Taehyung: it's was a trap.

Jimin: Let's leave for now.

Yn: but we've missed four days already.

Yoongi cheered them up as they all drove back to their houses.

At their home

Yn plopped on the couch groaning.

Yn: My erector spinae is paining damn!

She grunted rubbing her back,while taehyung locked the main door and dropped off their bag on the floor ,laying beside her.

Yn: Eyy!! What are you doing! Move!

She said trying to push him while he tightened his grip around her.

Taehyung: I'm exhausted so you better shut up!

She turned towards him just to face his hard chest and placed her hands over them trying to push him away.

Mr & Mrs. Kim a.k.a Crazy couples ||Taehyung FF||Where stories live. Discover now