Chapter 16

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Taehyung entered his workplace and looked at his colleagues with disbelief look.

"Aww I miss you too love..Dont worry,we'll soon finish this mission and Ill take a month holiday!".
Tae:seriously jimin?
Jimin cared less and kept talking with jiwon in his call who was his girlfriend now.
Taehyung was again distracted with another voice as he turned in that direction
"No baby..we will go to aussie umm no no Lets go to some nordic countries it will be best for our honeymoon".
He said dreamily.while taehyung facepalmed.

Tae:wahh jungkook?
Jungkook still didnt hear his bestfriend's voice as he was too immersed staring on his girlfriend.

And he was yet again distracted with
"Oh please Im hanging up soo young!.."
He said with a done face while his wife kept holding him back from hanging up the call asking apologies.

Tae:you too?yoongi hyung!?
He was brimmed with disbelief.
Tae:so is it just me?who isnt spending much time with my baby?

The three turned to him with a poker face and stated.
"You literally took a week holiday to stay with yn!"
To which he chuckled nervously.

Hoseok:guys this pendrive holds all the evidences against the two criminals.
He handed them.



Seunjo:hanuel why would keep flying from abroad to korea and vice versa?..
Hanuel:you know what?the girl i have been searching for all these years ,is the one working to get us punished and now I know where she is..
He smirked taking out her picture
Seunjo looked at it and whispered.
Seunjo:its seumin..I know her..She is the sister of my business partner.
Hanuel looked at him shook and later smirked as its pretty easy now.


Tae:whatchuu doing babyy Im back!
He entered all giggly .
She called him in a weak voice as he rushed to her soon.
Tae:whats wrong babe?..
Yn:t-the cra-amps a-are so bad..
She said while her voice cracked he held her hand tightly.
Tae:calm down baby..
He gave her a glass of water and kept kissing her knuckles while his eyes started brimming up.
Yn looked at him,who was looking all cute with his worried face and chuckled.
Tae:does it still pain?
He asked worried.
Yn:Its okay now..
Tae: look baby You shouldnt hurt your mumma so much?alright..Come fast in our arms soon wants to see you..
He talked to her baby bump while she adored him.
But she felt a sudden jerk while taehyung looked at her shook.
Yn:b-baby kicked..
Her eyes accumulated with the happy tears as well.
Tae:I-I saw..
He kissed her bump while the baby kicked again making them tear up in happiness.
He hugged her soon showering her with kisses while she giggled.
Tae:Im so overhwelmed Yn..This would be the best gift you have ever gifted me..
He placed his palms on her bump softly carressing it while she looked at him lovingly.
Tae:its our symbol of love..Our baby is the reason why our love bloomed.
He kissed the unborn baby again.
Yn cupped his face and kissed his forehead.
Yn:I love you .
She said smiling wide.
Tae:love you the way I never loved before.
He pecked her lips softly while she blushed.

To be continued
Hope you guys loved this chapter

(Im out of ideas T-T)

Mr & Mrs. Kim a.k.a Crazy couples ||Taehyung FF||Where stories live. Discover now