Smitten || P.H.

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Pairing: Paddy Holland x reader

Warnings: none


Paddy was nervous. He didn't even know it was possible to be so nervous, god was he sweating? It wasn't even that hot, he was still inside the house where the AC was working perfectly fine. He checked his phone again for the time, as he expected only a minute had passed.

"Jeez mate, you're shaking," Tom said, resting a hand on his shoulder.

Paddy smiles nervously, "I just really want this date to go perfectly because she's perfect and she deserves a perfect first date and I want to impress her because she's just so amazing," Paddy gushes.

"Mate, you are so smitten," Tom laughs.

Paddy blushes, swatting his brother's hand away, "shut up man, she's going to be here any minute and I don't need you embarrassing me."

Tom scoffs, "Embarrass you? Sam, Harry! Paddy thinks we're going to embarrass him on his first date."

The twins come bounding down the stairs, "Why would you think that?" Harry asks, almost tripping over Sam's feet and faceplanting on the carpet.

Paddy takes one look at his brothers and sighs, "Did you really just ask that? You almost fell down the stairs!"

The four brothers get into a heated argument when suddenly the doorbell rings.

"Oh my god, it's (Y/N)," Paddy said, shoving his brothers into the kitchen. They all yell in protest and he quickly shushes them, "You can come out when we're gone. Until then, stay here and don't embarrass me!"

Paddy quickly walks back to the front door and swings it open to reveal you. It was that moment that Paddy knew he got lucky. There you stood, looking as beautiful as ever and he felt like he couldn't breathe. Your eyes sparkled under the front lights of his porch and a small smile tugs at the corner of your lips as you nervously tucked away a strand of hair.

"Hey," You said.

"Hi, wow, you look breath-taking," Paddy breathed.

Your smile widens and you look down bashfully, "thanks, you look really good too."

"Did you want to come inside for a bit? Or we could go already, whatever you want to do is fine," Paddy rushes out. If he's being honest he really hopes you don't come inside because, at that point, there's no way he could escape his brothers.

"Oi! Inviting the lady in already?" Tom shouts.

Paddy rolls his eyes turning toward the kitchen, "Shut up, Tom!" He turns back to you, "'m really sorry, my brothers can be a bit—"

"So you're the girl he's been talking about all week?" Sam inquires, now standing behind Paddy.

"Guys, please--"

"Jesus, he never shuts up about you. A lovely lady you are though," Harry comments.

You smile, face a bit flushed at the compliments, and the idea of Paddy being that excited about your date, "thank you."

Tom steps out from the twins, "what are your intentions? We can't have you breaking our little bro's heart."

"I didn't intend on, um, I really like you, uh, Paddy," You stumbled, not quite sure who you were talking too.

"He really likes you too!" Sam perked up, "just a few minutes ago he shoved us in the kitchen because he thought we were going to embarrass you! Can you believe that?"

"Oh my god, I'm so sorry about them," Paddy apologizes.

Harry scoffs, "sorry about us? Mate, we're doing you a favor!"

You let out a slight giggle at the four brothers, "'s okay."

"you know earlier he was talking about--"

Paddy's eyes go wide, "nope, no, no, no." He grabs your hand in his and pulls you away from the door and leads you down the front steps.

"We're leaving now before you embarrass me more!"

The three boys laugh loudly, "come back soon, (Y/N)!"

You turn around, "I will?"

"Oh snap, Paddy she's already planning your second date," Sam teases.

"Goodbye!" Paddy shouts, walking a bit faster to escape them.

"Use protection!"

"TOM you asshole!"


"Have fun!" Harry said.

"You guys are the worse!"

Tom leans back against the door, arms crossed as he watches the two of you walk down the streets, hand in hand, laughing at something Paddy said, "He'll thank us later."

"Will he?"

"Probably not."

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