Safe house || H.H.

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Pairing: Harry Holland x reader

Warnings: none ig


Pounding on the door of your safe house during the worst night of the year was most definitely not what one wanted to hear while trying to stay safe and alive.

The three shared a look of panic as they tried to rationally decide what they were meant to do. If they made too much noise whoever was outside could hear them and that could go very badly. But if they didn't go away then there wasn't much they really could do.

"Hello?" you called, praying for a response. "I-I need help. These people started chasing me and I-I don't want to die"

You sounded so desperate and it made Harry's heart clench, his friend already noticing that look on his face that told him he was going to do something really dumb.

He was already shaking his head before Harry even got up to check the cameras to see you at the door. "Harry no, you can't"

"I don't see a weapon. And she really does look distressed" The next part he muttered quietly to himself so the others couldn't hear. "Really pretty too"

"Please! Please let me in!" you cried. You were praying the people inside would take some pity on you and weren't like all the others.

But inside the group were very divided, with Harrison insisting you were a stranger who couldn't be trusted, but Harry and Tom saying it was only the right thing to do. Apparently sympathy ran in the family with these two.

He finally gave in, concluding two to one and it being a shared house would result in him only losing anyway.

You heard the door unlock and nearly cried specifically in relief, stumbling into the home to be met with the faces of three individuals. Your heart fluttered slightly when you got a proper look at the redhead helping steady you, but now probably wasn't the right time to develop a crush.

"Come in. Quick" Harry insisted, rushing you through the door so he could lock it behind you just as quickly.

The next twenty or so minutes were spent with you trying to explain to the group how you'd ended up at their door. Recalling how you'd been making your way home earlier that day when suddenly people began following you, and then as night fell they tried to attack.

Harrison was still wary, if people were after you it could only be putting the trio in danger they didn't need, but he didn't think Harry was going to listen to his reasoning, not with the heart eyes he'd been sending you as you talked.

After you'd finished telling your story the redhead in question leaned over and placed his hand on top of yours, squeezing it reassuringly. "You're safe with us"

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