No words || T.H.

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Pairing: Tom Holland x reader

Warnings: crying


You could hear the rain hitting the windows from where you lay under the blankets. It had been raining all day, filling your apartment with a gloomy light. The cold seemed to penetrate every aspect of your home, eventually settling inside you. You could hear your phone buzzing on the nightstand, but you couldn't bring yourself to get up. It felt like you could barely lift your head. You had been this way for most of the day, drifting in and out of sleep, only aware of the rain's ceaseless prattering.

You heard the front door open and close. There was only one other person who had a key to your place. Tom. The thought of him seeing you like this had a pit forming in your stomach. You felt the sting of tears in your eyes. Turning onto your side, you pulled the blankets up over your head, keeping you back to the bedroom door.

"Y/n!" He called from the living room. You could hear his footsteps getting closer to the bedroom. "Y/n, are you alright? I've been trying to text you but-" he stopped short upon entering the room. Seeing your form curled under the blankets in the dark made his heart hurt. He quickly slipped off his shoes and crawled onto the bed next to you.

"Are you feeling okay love?" he asked, laying a gentle hand on your shoulder. His tone was so soft and warm, it made you feel even more ashamed of your abysmal state. Not able to contain it, a quiet sob shook your shoulders. Tom only tsked softly as he wrapped his arm around you, pulling you closer to his chest. You sniffled, desperately trying to hide the tears in your eyes. Tom propped himself up on one arm, using the other to pull the blankets away from your face.

"It's okay, sweetheart" He soothed, cupping your face with his warm hand as he kissed the tip of your nose and your forehead. His eyes held no judgment as they looked down at you, his brown hair falling over his forehead, slightly damp from the rain. The gesture somehow made you want to cry even more.

"Do you want to talk about it?" he asked, running his thumb over your cheek, whipping away a stray tear. A shiver ran up your spine, that you were certain had nothing to do with the rain outside. Biting your lip, to stop it from quivering, you shook your head. Tom only nodded in understanding.

"That's fine, love. We don't have to talk about it if you don't want to. Do you want me to stay here with you?" he asked, keeping his eyes on yours. You felt a slight blush warm your cheeks at his intense gaze.

"That would be nice" You croaked out. You cringed at the sound, you hated that it sounded so broken. But Tom only smiled down at you, brushing a strand of hair behind your ear and placing another kiss on your brow.

"How about we order some take-out and just have a cozy night in? I'll even let you pick the movie" he offered. Your heart swelled at his words. It was hard to feel so sad when Tom was there. He was so full of love and kindness. He was so patient and never pressed you if you didn't feel like talking. He always seemed content with just being there with you.

Tom did hate to see you sad. But he knew that it wasn't something he could control. All he could do was be patient and keep loving you even on the bad days.

So, he took off his jeans and t-shirt before climbing under the blankets with you. He held you close to him and slowly the chill that had set in your bones began to ebb. He didn't make a move to get up until you did.

He would always be there for you, even if you didn't feel like talking. He would be happy to wait.

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