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OUT OF the darkness a figure appeared

With it's glaring eyes and familiar body built

There's no doubt it's him

Finally he's showing himself

He took numerous lives, he should pay it with his own life

He's done with all of his hiding

A LOUD gun shot sound echoed in the vast place.

As he moves out of the darkness and showed himself.

With his other hand he removed his mask.

"How could it be you?"

His oddly different eyes, his white hair it's definitely him

But I couldn't believe what my eyes are seeing  now

His eyes are emotionless but his lips gives us an eerie smile.

Everyone freezes  in shock as we saw his face .

"Should I introduce myself?" his eerie smile never fades away as he talks

"I'm Alexarious Guiseppe Suarez, that old man's grand son that he dumped away because I'm weak"

Zymophore Kriegspiel stepped forward "AJ? How?"

Ryous didn't answer him, he just looked at him.

The soft Alpheus Jade Vilches is gone, what we are seeing now is a man with a eerie aura

I don't know, I can't understand how it is possible that the man behind the mask is also AJ, someone who's just near us.

If the masked man is Zymophore Kriegspiel, I wouldn't be shocked  because I even suspected him many times

But Alpheus Jade, the delicate one is the man behind the mask


Why is he doing this, what is his motive for doing everything?

Unable to walk, Suarez crawled until he reached Alexarious's plants  and pulled it to grab his attention.

"Forgive me, Stop this and let's go home"

Ryous kicked him


Oh what's that?

How could I?

Every time I close my eyes every pain I have been experienced because of you keeps hunting me in my nightmares"

He tilts his head in both directions to lessen the anger build up and  his eerie smile comes back in his lips.


YOUNG Alexarious Guiseppe knelt down on the floor covered with bruises, crying with all his might pleading his grandfather to stop beating him.

At his age, he should be playing in his room with all the toys he have but it's a different thing for  him.

Suarez's son died protecting his younger sister, Alexarious Guiseppe's mom. While His mom died giving birth to him.

He only have himself and his grandfather which  he thinks he blames him for loosing both of his children.

He had just recovered from his heart surgery, but physical training starts right away

All the physical and emotional pain surely feels traumatic for the little child.

The sun haven't risen yet, but his day already starts, he doesn't know where the vehicle is heading to and why their butler is taking him elsewhere.

ENCRYPTED :  The Man Behind The MaskWhere stories live. Discover now